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Tom LeRoy | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Jay Levin27-May-2024 16:00
Thanks for looking, Tom. Your photography is outstanding.
Laurenan09-Jun-2021 16:17
Thank so much for comment Tom ....
Iraj lotfi 07-Mar-2019 11:12
Excellent work Tom, Thank you for sharing.
Evaristo Buendia Carrera27-May-2018 03:55
Tom, thank you for sharing your work. Amazing trip, you make feel alive..!!
Gary21-Dec-2016 18:53
Thanks so very much, Tom...
Gary08-Nov-2016 16:39
Many thanks for your nice comment on my Autumn image...
Gary31-Oct-2016 17:05
I appreciate your nice comment on my Barn image...
Gary29-Aug-2016 17:06
Many thanks, Tom for your nice comment on my Sunset reflection image...
hamery31-Dec-2014 15:33
happy new year ( hkt ) to u and to your love ones, tom.
barbarajoy25-Dec-2014 11:03
Happy Christmas, Tom, to you and your family and many blessings throughout the new year. Thanks for sharing on pbase. We have enjoyed it very much.
lovediary24-Dec-2014 19:23
Merry Christmas to you my friend, all the best.

hamery15-Nov-2014 16:54
Thanks for your comment, Tom. Your pictures and your compo is a good learning materials to me. Happy shooting.
Peterfree25-Oct-2014 14:15
Tom, Jays like bathing, fruit and nuts, so if you can create a hidden spot tot take pictures I `m sure you will succeed. Thanks for your kind comments. I have a great respect for your kind of photography. All the best, Piet
Guest 01-Apr-2014 01:52
Many thanks for the nice comment on my Flying Goose image...
Guest 05-Jan-2014 18:00
I appreciate your nice comment and vote on my wintry scene...
Guest 16-Nov-2013 20:29
Thanks for your nice comments on my image...
Chris Kieffer26-Sep-2013 17:17
Thanks for your comment, ....galerina can eat it once....absolutely deadly. Excellent nature and photos from you and I like your b&w gallery too.
samikosemi05-May-2013 15:36
Hi Tom ,
You have great pictures and very interesting eye...
Keep doing great job !
Sami ! V v v.
Fabienne16-Apr-2013 19:59
Bonsoir Tom, je voulais vous dire tout mon émerveillement devant vos galeries.

J'apprécie votre vision et l'excellente qualité de vos photos. On sent de la recherche dans les compositions et le choix des sujets. Les lumières sont toujours soigneusement dosées comme les couleurs et c'est avec un grand plaisir que je les admire et découvre vos centres d'intérêts.

Je vous souhaite une très bonne soirée. Fabi
hermankervel20-Dec-2012 13:07
thanks for viewing my pictures and your kind words
Guest 02-Jun-2012 23:31
Hi Tom, thanks for your comment and nice words. I like going to the remote areas.
No traffic no people just me and nature
Blandine Mangin05-May-2012 18:57
merci pour ton soutient, et merci de partager avec nous tes belles photos !
Dennis Hoyne10-Jan-2012 18:36
Tom, I notice you shoot with various camera models, are you a camera dealer? How do you like that Fuji X10 and the X100?

Stephanie22-Dec-2011 23:15
Greetings Tom ~
I just wanted to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest and Healthiest of New Years!
Steph :)
Nico van Gelder08-Dec-2011 10:54
Thanks for your positive comments Tom. Indeed Sinterklaas was this year good for me :)
I wonder: do you live in the USA or Germany?
Guest 20-Oct-2011 01:05
Thanks Tom for stopping by, your momments mean a lot after viewing your great photos.
Raf12-Jul-2011 19:20
Love the refreshing way you see photography.
Tatjana and Fam. 04-Jun-2011 07:24
Hi Tom, Super Photos!!
Graeme07-Mar-2011 20:04
Hi Tom, thank you for your continued support of my hdr work. Your recent kind visits have been greatly appreciated and I thank you.
Kind regards,
Jean Chiasson05-Mar-2011 00:16
Hey I went to cuba and I'll be back soon.
carol 02-Mar-2011 10:25
Tom, I love all the photos. You are so very talented. Tx for sharing. Carol
an nguyen17-Feb-2011 17:11
Thank you for stopping by .
Your skillful photography style certainly made a statement of your own.
Anne N
Nancy Daniels01-Feb-2011 21:35
I just discovered your galleries. Lovely work with marvelous captions.
marita toftgard27-Jan-2011 14:02

Mikek04-Jan-2011 23:51
Thanks for your comments and visits, Tom! You have some wonderful galleries here already. Keep up the good work! Mike
Ceya21-Dec-2010 19:17
Welcome to Pbase, congratulations, this is your 5th week here! You have many interesting galleries. Wish you good luck with your future work! Ceya