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Spring in Chicago - 2003

These pictures were taken over a three weekend period in late April and early May
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The Art Institute - looking across Michigan Avenue
The Art Institute - looking across Michigan Avenue
Plaza on the south side of the Art Institue
Plaza on the south side of the Art Institue
Looking North on Michigan Avenue
Looking North on Michigan Avenue
Windows in the Chicago Cultural Center - looking across Michigan Avenue
Windows in the Chicago Cultural Center - looking across Michigan Avenue
Plaza of the AON Building (formerly Standard Oil Building) on East Randolph street
Plaza of the AON Building (formerly Standard Oil Building) on East Randolph street
The front of the Art Institute
The front of the Art Institute
The Picasso sculpture in Daley Plaza
The Picasso sculpture in Daley Plaza
Nathan Hale statue in front of the Tribune Tower
Nathan Hale statue in front of the Tribune Tower
Looking North on Mikchigan Avenue
Looking North on Mikchigan Avenue
Looking North on Michigan Avenue
Looking North on Michigan Avenue
Close up of Cultural Center window
Close up of Cultural Center window
Oldenberg sculpture in front of the State of Illinois Building
Oldenberg sculpture in front of the State of Illinois Building
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