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Tom Briggs | all galleries >> Galleries >> 1966 Vietnam > Former Prime Minister and Wife
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LIFE Magazine

Former Prime Minister and Wife

Nguyen Cao Ky and his beautiful wife Mai. Ky served as the chief of the Vietnam Air Force in the 1960's before leading the nation as the Prime Minister of South Vietnam from 1965 to 1967 following a military junta. Then, until his retirement from politics in 1971, he served as Vice President to bitter rival General Nguyễn Văn Thiệu. In 1975, Kỳ left Vietnam aboard the USS Blue Ridge and fled to the United States and settled in Westminster, California, where he ran a liquor store. He died in 1980 in Malaysia. Mai was an Air Vietnam stewardess before she married Ky.

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1moremile04-May-2020 22:23
Very interesting part of history.
John p docherty 26-Aug-2017 18:03
Meet them at 3 church in 1966 hello pad
Etienne 20-Aug-2015 18:28
Ky died on 23 July 2011 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
XiaoBernard9908-Sep-2014 12:41
:o) love this picture, the lovely woman , and of course the Us man with the pipe
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