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The Great Smokey Mountains

Includes the Great Smokey Mountain National Park and Misc photos of the Pigeon Forge area. We stayed in Sevierville which is the hometown of Dolly Parton. Pigeon Forge is where Dolly has her amusement park.
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Smoky Mountain stream with fall colors.jpg
Smoky Mountain stream with fall colors.jpg
Smoky Mtn's3   pw.jpg
Smoky Mtn's3 pw.jpg
Smoky Mtn's2   pw.jpg
Smoky Mtn's2 pw.jpg
Smoky Mtn's1   pw.jpg
Smoky Mtn's1 pw.jpg
In Pigeon Forge, Tenn.   pw.jpg
In Pigeon Forge, Tenn. pw.jpg
Great Smoky Mtn's N.P.4   pw.jpg
Great Smoky Mtn's N.P.4 pw.jpg
Great Smoky Mtn's N.P.3   pw.jpg
Great Smoky Mtn's N.P.3 pw.jpg
Great Smoky Mtn's N.P.2   pw.jpg
Great Smoky Mtn's N.P.2 pw.jpg
Great Smoky Mtn's N.P.   paw.jpg
Great Smoky Mtn's N.P. paw.jpg
Along the road in Virginia   pw.jpg
Along the road in Virginia pw.jpg
River in the Great Smoky Mountains.jpg
River in the Great Smoky Mountains.jpg
Fall Colors in Great Smoky Mountain National Park.jpg
Fall Colors in Great Smoky Mountain National Park.jpg
Colorful Smoky Mountain Stream.jpg
Colorful Smoky Mountain Stream.jpg
Wonder why they call these the Smoky Mountains.jpg
Wonder why they call these the Smoky Mountains.jpg
Smoky Mountain Nat'l Park.jpg
Smoky Mountain Nat'l Park.jpg
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