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Michael Todd Thorpe | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> PAD Gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

PAD Gallery

Photo A Day

It's simple, really. Take a photo every day and post it. No banked shots.
Sometimes I shoot film so posting might be late to allow for processing.

Over the years I've occasionally taken a break from Photo-A-Day, putting photos in the galleries "After The Fall" and "Pick Up That Camera"... You should take a look.

More to see: PAD Alternates * Pick Up That Camera * PAD 2010 * PAD 2009 * After The Fall * PAD 2008 * PAD 2007 * PAD 2006 * PAD 2005 * PAD 2004...

If you see something you'd like to purchase a print of, leave me a note here on pbase.
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