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Michael Todd Thorpe | all galleries >> PAD Gallery >> Photo A Day 2005 > July 4th - Liberty 2
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July 4th - Liberty 2

I said these things last year and I think they need to be said just as loudly this year:

"The word "patriotism" has been bandied about far too much since 9/11.
I fear people have lost site of what the word actually means and, more importantly,
people have draped themselves in the word, much as they have the flag.
Patriotism can slip into jingoism without even trying."

"On this holiday, I prefer the word "liberty."
It's what was fought for all those years ago, what our country was founded on.
I think the word invokes personal responsibility as well as personal freedom.
It is what we should cherish. It is the light we should hold up, both as a country and as people. "

"Liberty is what we should remember before we trample about in the name of patriotism."

Last year's picture:

Here are the alternates for today:

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/60s f/5.6 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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JeremyGood04-Jul-2005 23:08
You can't help but be proud to be an American when you see the joyful spirit of people celebrating the 4th in such festive fashion. We are lucky.
Linda Willets04-Jul-2005 23:03
Well said.. wonderful photos for today
jude04-Jul-2005 20:03
All very excellent photos, Todd.. I'll always love the sunglasses one.. top notch
Coleen Perilloux Landry04-Jul-2005 20:03
Amen. I agree with what you say.