114.9 - Nepticulidae |
0145.9 - Tischeria sp. |
0145.9 - Tischeria sp. |
Homosetia sp. |
0300 - Yellow Wave Moth - Hybroma servulella |
0367 - Grass Tubeworm Moth - Acrolophus morus |
0367 - Grass Tubeworm Moth - Acrolophus morus |
0367 - Grass Tubeworm Moth - Acrolophus morus |
0412 - Niditinea orleansella |
0418.1 - Pavlovski's Monopis - Monopis pavlovski |
0437 - Bagworm Moth - Psyche casta |
0592 - Azalea Leafminer - Caloptilia azaleella |
0633 – Sassafras Caloptilia Moth – Caloptilia sassafrasella * |
0633 – Sassafras Caloptilia Moth – Caloptilia sassafrasella * |
0637 - Caloptilia serotinella * |
0637 - Caloptilia serotinella |
0639 – Caloptilia stigmatella |
0644.9 - Caloptilia sp. |
Caloptilia sp. |
Caloptilia sp. |
Caloptilia undescribed-rhus feeder* |
0608 - Caloptilia hypericella? |
Caloptilia sp. |
Caloptilia sp. |
Caloptilia sp. |
Caloptilia sp. |
0692 – Acrocercops astericola |
0723 - Goldenrod Leaf Miner - Cremastobombycia solidaginis |
0723 - Goldenrod Leaf Miner - Cremastobombycia solidaginis |
Phyllocnistis sp. |
0869 - Agonopterix walsinghamella |
0882 - Four-dotted Agonopterix - Agonopterix robiniella |
Agonopterix sp. |
0951 – Gold-striped Leaftier – Machimia tentoriferella |
1047.1 - Suzuki's Promalactis Moth - Promalactis suzukiella |
1134 - Four-spotted Yellowneck - Oegoconia novimundi |
1430 - Mompha brevivittella |
1430 - Mompha brevivittella |
1761 - Pink-washed Aristotelia - Aristotelia roseosuffusella |
1809 - Coleotechnites Flower Moth - Coleotechnites florae |
1842 - Taygete attributella |
1986 - Goldenrod Elliptical-Gall Moth - Gnorimoschema gallaesolidaginis |
2049 - Eggplant Leafminer - Keiferia glochinella |
2049 - Eggplant Leafminer - Keiferia glochinella |
2058.5 - Chionodes baro * |
2058.5 - Chionodes baro |
2099 – Boxelder Leafworm Moth – Chionodes obscurusella (probably) |
2119 - Chionodes thoraceochrella * |
2119 - Chionodes thoraceochrella * |
2222.9 - Aproaerema sp. |
2286 - Dichomeris vacciniella |
2366 - Diamondback Moth - Plutella xylostella |
2401 - Ailanthus Webworm Moth - Atteva aurea |
2492.9 - Acrolepiopsis sp. |
2650 - Apple Leaf Skeletonizer Moth - Choreutis pariana |
2738 - Verbena Bud Moth - Endothenia hebesana |
2859 - Celypha Moth - Celypha cespitana |
3116 - Triangle-backed Eucosma - Eucosma dorsisignatana |
3230 - Maple Twig Borer - Proteoteras aesculana * |
3230 - Maple Twig Borer - Proteoteras aesculana * |
3269 - Red-striped Needleworm Moth - Epinotia radicana |
3269 - Red-striped Needleworm Moth - Epinotia radicana |
3280 – Birch Epinotia Moth – Epinotia trigonella |
3351 - Diamondback Epinotia - Epinotia lindana |
3351 - Diamondback Epinotia - Epinotia lindana |
3510 - Snowy-shouldered Acleris - Acleris nivisellana |
3516 - Acleris comandrana |
3517 - Bent-wing Acleris - Acleris subnivana |
3517 - Bent-wing Acleris - Acleris subnivana |
3517 - Bent-wing Acleris - Acleris subnivana |
3521.1 - Acleris stadiana |
3523 – Acleris cornana |
3527 - Viburnum Acleris Moth - Acleris viburnana |
3527 - Viburnum Acleris Moth - Acleris viburnana |
3527 - Viburnum Acleris Moth - Acleris viburnana |
3527 - Viburnum Acleris Moth - Acleris viburnana |
3527 - Acleris viburnana |
3533 - Acleris celiana |
3536 – Robinson's Acleris – Acleris robinsoniana |
3539 - Lesser Maple Leafroller - Acleris chalybeana * |
3539 - Lesser Maple Leafroller - Acleris chalybeana * |
3543 – Stained-back Leafroller Moth – Acleris maculidorsana |
3548 – Eastern Black-headed Budworm Moth – Acleris variana |
3558 - Acleris busckana |
3558 - Acleris busckana |
Acleris sp. 4691 |
Acleris sp. |
Acleris sp. |
3760.1 - Seriated Aethes - Aethes seriatana |
4716 - Double-striped Scoparia - Scoparia biplagialis |
4738 – Striped Eudonia Moth – Eudonia strigalis |
5051 - Variable Reddish Pyrausta - Pyrausta rubricalis |
4889 - Julia's Dicymolomia Moth - Dicymolomia julianalis |
5079 – Celery Leaftier – Udea rubigalis |
5156 - Lucerne Moth - Nomophila nearctica, Groton |
5169 - Spotted Beet Webworm Moth - Hymenia perspectalis |
5170 - Hawaiian Beet Webworm Moth - Spoladea recurvalis |
5275 - Bold-feathered Grass Moth - Herpetogramma pertextalis |
5355 – Common Grass-veneer Moth – Crambus praefectellus |
5357 – Leach's Grass-veneer Moth – Crambus leachellus |
5413 - Sod Webworm - Pediasia trisecta |
5420 - Elegant Grass-veneer Moth - Microcrambus elegans |
5510- Meal Moth - Pyralis farinalis |
5533 - Yellow-fringed Dolichomia - Hypsopygia olinalis |
5841 - Fir Coneworm - Dioryctria abietivorella |
5841 - Fir Coneworm - Dioryctria abietivorella |
5946.2 - Phycitodes reliquellum |
5999 – Broad-banded Eulogia Moth – Eulogia ochrifrontella |
6005 - Darker Moodna - Moodna ostrinella |
6019 - Indian Meal Moth - Plodia interpunctella |
6234 - Morning-glory Plume Moth - Emmelina monodactyla |
6234 - Morning-glory Plume Moth - Emmelina monodactyla |
6342 - Red-headed Inchworm - Macaria bisignata |
6343 – Six-spotted Angle Moth – Macaria sexmaculata |
6347 - White Pine Angle - Macaria pinistrobata |
6443 – Texas Gray Moth – Glenoides texanaria |
6443 - Texas Gray Moth - Glenoides texanaria |
6582 - Large Purplish Gray - Iridopsis vellivolata |
6597 - Small Engrailed - Ectropis crepuscularia |
6598 - Porcelain Gray - Protoboarmia porcelaria (very worn) |
6654 - Hypagyrtis sp. |
6796 - Pale Beauty - Campaea perlata |
6797 - Maple Spanworm - Ennomos magnaria |
Homochlodes sp. |
6888 - Hemlock Looper - Lambdina fiscellaria |
6906 - False Hemlock Looper - Nepytia canosaria |
6906 - False Hemlock Looper - Nepytia canosaria |
6974 - Juniper Twig Geometer - Patalene olyzonaria |
6974 - Juniper-twig Geometer - Patalene olyzonaria |
6982 - Large Maple Spanworm - Prochoerodes lineola |
6982 - Large Maple Spanworm - Prochoerodes lineola |
7132 - Common Tan Wave - Pleuroprucha insulsaria |
7132 - Common Tan Wave - Pleuroprucha insulsaria |
7136 – Packard's Wave Moth – Cyclophora packardi |
7146 - Chickweed Geometer - Haematopis grataria |
7197 - Greater Grapevine Looper - Eulithis gracilineata |
7217 - Juniper Carpet - Thera juniperata |
7290 - Barberry Geometer - Coryphista meadii |
7414 - The Gem - Orthonama obstipata |
7414 - The Gem - Orthonama obstipata |
7416 - Bent-line Carpet - Costaconvexa centrostrigaria |
7417 - Somber Carpet - Disclisioprocta stellata |
7433 – Autumnal Moth – Epirrita autumnata |
7433 – Autumnal Moth – Epirrita autumnata |
7433 - Autumnal Moth - Epirrita autumnata |
7436 - Winter Moth - Operophtera brumata |
7437 - Bruce spanworm - Operophtera bruceata |
7474 – Common Eupithecia Moth – Eupithecia miserulata |
7474 - Common Eupithecia - Eupithecia miserulata |
7474 - Common Eupithecia - Eupithecia miserulata |
7488 - White-spotted Pug - Eupithecia tripunctaria |
Eupithecia sp. |
8169 - Harnessed Tiger Moth - Apantesis phalerata |
8169 - Harnessed Tiger Moth - Apantesis phalerata |
8267 - Yellow-collared Scape Moth - Cisseps fulvicollis |
8314 - Definite Tussock Moth - Orgyia definita |
8314 - Definite Tussock Moth - Orgyia definita |
8316 - White-marked Tussock Moth - Orgyia leucostigma |
8316 - White-marked Tussock Moth - Orgyia leucostigma |
8316 - White-marked Tussock Moth - Orgyia leucostigma |
Orgyia sp. |
Orgyia sp. |
Orgyia sp. |
8322 - American Idia - Idia americalis |
8323 - Common Idia - Idia aemula |
8323 - Common Idia - Idia aemula |
8398 – Faint-spotted Palthis Moth – Palthis asopialis |
8404 - Spotted Grass Moth - Rivula propinqualis |
8421 - Broken-line Hypenodes - Hypenodes fractilinea |
8442 - Baltimore Hypena - Hypena baltimoralis |
8461 - Hop-vine Moth - Hypena humuli |
8461 - Hop-vine Moth - Hypena humuli |
8461 - Hop-vine Moth - Hypena humuli |
8465 - Green Cloverworm Moth - Hypena scabra |
8465 - Green Cloverworm Moth - Hypena scabra |
8465 - Green Cloverworm Moth - Hypena scabra |
8555 - The Herald - Scoliopteryx libatrix |
8574 - Velvetbean Caterpillar Moth - Anticarsia gemmatalis |
8574 - Velvetbean Caterpillar Moth - Anticarsia gemmatalis |
8689 - Lunate Zale Moth - Zale lunata |
8739 - Forage Looper - Caenurgina erechtea |
8778 – Habilis Underwing – Catocala habilis |
8778 – Habilis Underwing – Catocala habilis |
8788 – Yellow-gray Underwing Moth – Catocala retecta |
8795 – Oldwife Underwing – Catocala palaeogama |
8795 – Oldwife Underwing – Catocala palaeogama |
8801 – Ilia Underwing Moth – Catocala ilia |
8801 – Ilia Underwing Moth – Catocala ilia |
8803 - White Underwing - Catocala relicta |
8889 - Sharp-stigma Looper - Ctenoplusia oxygramma |
8889 - Sharp-stigma Looper - Ctenoplusia oxygramma |
8890 – Soybean Looper Moth – Chrysodeixis includens |
8908 – Common Looper Moth – Autographa precationis |
8908 – Common Looper – Autographa precationis |
8924 – Celery Looper Moth – Anagrapha falcifera |
9419 - Adorable Brocade - Platypolia mactata |
9420 - Wandering Brocade - Fishia illocata |
9420 - Wandering Brocade - Fishia illocata |
9427 - Multicolored Sedgeminer - Meropleon diversicolor |
9429 - Fingered Lemmeria - Lemmeria digitalis |
9429 - Fingered Lemmeria - Lemmeria digitalis |
9449 - Oblong Sedge Borer - Capsula oblonga |
9473 - Aster Borer - Papaipema impecuniosa |
9482 - Osmunda Borer - Papaipema speciosissima |
9483 - Sensitive Fern Borer - Papaipema inquaesita |
9501 - Joe-Pye-Weed Borer - Papaipema eupatorii |
9501 - Joe-Pye-Weed Borer - Papaipema eupatorii |
9555 - Even-lined Sallow - Ipimorpha pleonectusa |
9638 - Copper Underwing - Amphipyra pyramidoides |
9669 - Yellow-striped Armyworm - Spodoptera ornithogalli |
9684 - Grateful Midget - Elaphria grata |
9688 - The Wedgeling - Galgula partita |
9878 – Lithomoia germana |
9878 – Lithomoia germana |
9893 - Hemina Pinion - Lithophane hemina |
9893 - Hemina Pinion - Lithophane hemina |
9910 – Ashen Pinion – Lithophane antennata |
9915 - Grote's Pinion - Lithophane grotei |
9915 - Grote's Pinion - Lithophane grotei |
9922 – Plush-naped Pinion - Lithophane pexata |
9929 - Mustard Sallow - Pyreferra hesperidago |
9929 - Mustard Sallow - Pyreferra hesperidago |
9933 – Straight-Toothed Sallow – Eupsilia vinulenta |
9933 – Straight-Toothed Sallow – Eupsilia vinulenta |
9933 - Straight-Toothed Sallow - Eupsilia vinulenta |
9936 - Morrison's Sallow - Eupsilia morrisoni |
9936 – Morrison's Sallow – Eupsilia morrisoni |
9936 – Morrison's Sallow – Eupsilia morrisoni |
Eupsilia sp. |
9943 - Unsated Sallow - Metaxaglaea inulta |
9944 - Roadside Sallow - Metaxaglaea viatica |
9945 - Footpath Sallow - Metaxaglaea semitaria |
9945 – Footpath Sallow - Metaxaglaea semitaria |
9946 – Sloping Sallow Moth – Epiglaea decliva |
9947 - Pointed Sallow - Epiglaea apiata |
9949.1 - Chaetaglaea rhonda |
9950 - Silky Sallow - Chaetaglaea sericea |
9950 - Silky Sallow - Chaetaglaea sericea |
9952 - Scalloped Sallow - Eucirroedia pampina |
9957 - Bicolored Sallow - Sunira bicolorago |
9957 - Bicolored Sallow - Sunira bicolorago |
9957 – Bicolored Sallow – Sunira bicolorago |
9957 – Bicolored Sallow – Sunira bicolorago |
9957 - Bicolored Sallow - Sunira bicolorago |
9979 - Broad Sallow - Xylotype capax |
9979 - Broad Sallow - Xylotype capax |
9980 – Acadian Sallow – Xylotype arcadia |
9980 – Acadian Sallow – Xylotype arcadia |
10438 - Armyworm - Mythimna unipuncta |
10456 - Adjutant Wainscot - Leucania adjuta |
10651 - Venerable Dart - Agrotis venerabilis |
10663 – Ipsilon Dart – Agrotis ipsilon |
10812 - Boston Dart - Euxoa bostoniensis |
10942 - Lesser Black-letter Dart - Xestia c-nigrum |
10942.1 - Greater Black-letter Dart - Xestia dolosa |
10944 - Smith's Dart - Xestia smithii |
10955 - Pale-banded Dart - Agnorisma badinodis |
10968 - Northern Variable Dart - Xestia badicollis |
10969 - Dull Reddish Dart - Xestia dilucida |
11003.1 - Large Yellow Underwing - Noctua pronuba |
11029 - Greater Red Dart - Abagrotis alternata |