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Walked to the top of Mt Donna Buang as a training
walk on a lovely Sunday. This is the observation
tower on the summit. Made 1000m elevation gain
to get here from Warburton where we started the walk.
I had about 12kg as training weight. The track was
extremely slippery but I somehow managed not to slip.
Took about 4.5 hours to go up/down including having
a nice lunch at the summit. Pretty quick I think
when the recommended time is like 7 hours!

Great training for all those tough winter trips
carrying a heavy pack up a steep slope covered with
soft snow.

Exactly 2 months till the great Overland Track Adventure
Not much time left to get fit!

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January Grey05-Jun-2009 05:00
That's quite a maze! Nicely composed & captured, Tom. V~
Debbie Blackburn Beierle02-Jun-2009 06:17
Cool shot, Tom! Excellent point of view and composition! Excellent hike!!
marie-jose wolff01-Jun-2009 22:37
what a perspective! V