<< Ducks, Geese, and Swans >>
<< Upland Games Birds >>
<< Loons >>
<< Grebes >>
<< Shearwaters >>
<< Pelicans and Cormorants >>
<< Wading Birds >>
<< Hawks and Vultures >>
<< Rails, Coot, and Cranes >>
<< Shorebirds >>
<< Gulls >>
<< Terns and Skimmers >>
<< Jaegers >>
<< Pigeons and Doves >>
<< Cuckoos >>
<< Owls >>
<< Nightjars and Swifts >>
<< Hummingbirds >>
<< Kingfishers >>
<< Woodpeckers >>
<< Falcons >>
<< Parrots and Parakeets >>
<< Flycatchers >>
<< Vireos and Shrikes >>
<< Jays and Crows >>
 Horned Lark |
<< Swallows >>
<< Chickadees, Nuthatches, and Creepers >>
<< Wrens >>
<< Gnatcatchers, Kinglets and Others >>
<< Thrushes >>
<< Mimics - Mockingbird, Catbird and Thrashers >>
<< starling_and_myna >>
 American Pipit |
 Palmchat |
<< Waxwings and Phainopela >>
<< Wood Warblers >>
 Bananaquit |
<< Sparrows >>
<< Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks, and Bunting >>
<< Blackbirds, Orioles, and Meadowlarks >>
<< Finches >>
 House Sparrow |
 Birds of Lakeside Park |
<< Bird Extras >>
 DPP_436.JPG |
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