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Martha Albuquerque | all galleries >> Current Work >> TIPOS - TYPES > Rubia
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11-SEP-2011 ©martha albuquerque


Canon EOS 5D
1/125s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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silvia marmori27-Sep-2011 12:28
bonita mesmo.. adorei os tons, martha querida..
(hey temos que bater papo, mi amiga )
Stephanie27-Sep-2011 11:40
The clocks in the background add to the retro feeling. Excellent! V
Guest 27-Sep-2011 09:30
beautiful lady and image Martha.
FrankB27-Sep-2011 03:13
ditto!....V :)
Marcia Rules27-Sep-2011 00:40
love this treatment. A real retro touch. V