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Martha Albuquerque | all galleries >> Current Work >> TIPOS - TYPES > Blue Mood
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11-SEP-2011 ©martha albuquerque

Blue Mood

Canon EOS 5D
1/125s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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hamery27-Jul-2015 10:58
This one is so special and a beautiful shot and the treatment after, Martha. BV+++
Sam_C27-Sep-2011 03:39
Superb shot and treatment, what a look! V++ :-)
Hans Koot25-Sep-2011 20:45
good shot and nice treatment, quite a striking expression :-)
marie-jose wolff25-Sep-2011 18:54
great portrait, very blue, Martha! V
Guest 25-Sep-2011 18:25
cool work, you're doing so good Martha.
Guest 25-Sep-2011 17:25
Brilliant! ~V
Margot W25-Sep-2011 17:24
Very nice capture and processing.
Marcia Rules25-Sep-2011 17:02
urban cool. V
12325-Sep-2011 16:19
Serious eyebrow expression. V
Paco López25-Sep-2011 15:47
Soberbia captura! V!
Naomi 25-Sep-2011 14:31
Nice portrait, Martha. I like the treatment. V
lisamidi25-Sep-2011 13:35