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02-JAN-2010 ©martha albuquerque

No Rhyme

One two three
here i am
writing something for this pretty group of writers
it's the second day of the year
it's morning
wet and warm

the water is boiling in the kitchen
coffee 's wating to be made
and I am here putting some words down
with no rhyme

or sense
with love though
have you seen the amount of snow where John was in new years eve?
holy moly how big it was

in RIO is raining so much in this wet Summer
hills are coming down and houses are just disappearing
crazy weather. crazy world
men are the ones who have done this

now they are crying their losses

let's fight for a better world
for a better planet
let's protect our forests and animals
let's love our planet... our home

El Niño don't be so hard on us
we will try to be good boys and girls from now on

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 27-Feb-2010 08:42
Fantastic work! congratulation! V
Ali Majdfar17-Jan-2010 04:57
What a great tribute! Excellent. ~V
Steve Morris10-Jan-2010 10:42
Terrible tragedy Martha - mud slides are so dangerous! Very evocative photo - our thoughts are with you!BV
Lieve Snellings09-Jan-2010 02:42
Martha, once again your image and words are so strong... yes, let's work for that better world... with love...
Guest 08-Jan-2010 09:28
Very strong the image and the words too.. V
Sam_C04-Jan-2010 08:23
Fantastic, creative work!! BV!
Gill Kopy04-Jan-2010 00:52
Striking image and words - Yes ! What will be left for our grandchildren ?? V
marie-jose wolff03-Jan-2010 20:05
powerful image and so is the message! V
Jean-Luc Rollier03-Jan-2010 19:09
Outstanding Martha! Very strong shot and words.
JL Vote
Bill Ewart Jr03-Jan-2010 18:52
El Nino...haven't heard about her in awhile...
Marcia Rules03-Jan-2010 18:19
poignant. V
carabias03-Jan-2010 18:19

Hermoso mensaje, Martha!!!!
El cambio climático pienso que es un bulo, un engaño. El Hombre debería preocuparse más por él mismo que por la Madre Naturaleza. -BV-
12303-Jan-2010 18:13
Very cool Martha. V
1105191203-Jan-2010 17:22
If the US media could be persuaded to broadcast to the public the truth about what is going on in the world and
not what the corporations want to have heard... then maybe pressure could be applied and changes could be made
to help save the earth before it is too late. Portions of the world are LIVING global warming. The United States
public is oblivious or apathetic. Did you see Obama administration and it's cohorts effectively shut down Copenhagen?
Great pic.
BrigitteKrede03-Jan-2010 17:05 seems the most difficult....but its so easy...v
María Cano03-Jan-2010 16:34
pascal03-Jan-2010 16:23
Great !
pr_rajan03-Jan-2010 16:23