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Bobby Timonera | all galleries >> Galleries >> Tugaya, Lanao del Sur > 07_5110.jpg
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Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/60s f/6.3 at 17.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
diliman 69 31-Jan-2010 11:26
from tabok st. Collector and designer MR. datu Kasangoan sa Soop..marangit mawaraw..khasarigan!.. siyap angka c brian mapatay kay bugs..
darktown_14 22-Jul-2009 13:28
Again!! Mga TABO anan,, ,,c Bunso i mimbaal san ago c ABC James
ansary gutoc 25-Jun-2007 05:11
what an extra-ordinary work.....
Ashley Hockenberry01-Jan-2006 04:51
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