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Trip To Excel 3rd January 2007

Boating to the London Boat Show held at the Excel Exhibition Centre in the Roal Docks prior to Campaingn Cruise past parliament on 16th January 2007.
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The Route
The Route
The day started with moving the boat from Limehouse ..
The day started with moving the boat from Limehouse ..
... to Bow
... to Bow
... where we the last locking out
... where we the last locking out
We were in company with our old friends Frank & Sue May on Lotus - seen here in Bow Creek
We were in company with our old friends Frank & Sue May on Lotus - seen here in Bow Creek
Passing moored up Tugs on the Thames Tideway
Passing moored up Tugs on the Thames Tideway
Lotus passes through the Thames Barrier
Lotus passes through the Thames Barrier
Looking back at the barrier
Looking back at the barrier
Our Steerer
Our Steerer
Approaching the Woolwich Ferry
Approaching the Woolwich Ferry
Safely passed the Ferries
Safely passed the Ferries
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