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Lisa W. | all galleries >> Galleries >> In My Garden > Just napping
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Lisa W

Just napping

This is a scan of a photo I took 3 years ago when a raccoon made it's nest under some old patio chairs in my yard. When I discovered this one living under the chairs I tried to evict him by semi lifting the cover off. The next morning I found him in this position. Since the cover was not tented anymore, he did the next best thing
The original Jpeg file was lost when the CD it was saved on somehow would not read anymore. Sadly I lost many memorable photo's on that CD.

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Hernan E. Enriquez30-Apr-2012 03:23
Superb catch
cits_4_pets10-Jun-2009 01:02
LOL, great catch! v
blizzard15-May-2008 13:34
how could this marvelous guy be so much trouble???

this is an award winning shot , hard for folks that never had a close encounter with one of these magical fellows to understand

favorite vote
Waynes World of Pictures12-May-2008 08:13
Well captured...amusing !
Chris Thorpe03-Apr-2008 13:39
Wonderful moment captured, they are often not so cute when asked to leave however!
Elmer Quianio31-Mar-2008 00:07
WOW.... Lisa, what a perfect timing, capture. Good framing too. Vote
Richard Calmes22-Mar-2008 18:41
This is a priceless shot! V
Marcia Colelli19-Mar-2008 14:46
Now that is a really cute capture. Love it. Not that I like raccoons but they are cute.
tammie19-Mar-2008 04:22
What a catch Lisa!! Looks great for a scan, but too bad about the original.
Cute, but the amusement would have worn off quickly!! Dang pesky critters! Surprised he didn't demand something cold to drink!
tomr-photos18-Mar-2008 13:39
Can't think of anything clever to say but it is a fun shot. :)
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