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Lisa W. | all galleries >> Galleries >> In My Garden > Over the fence I go . . .
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24-MAY-2007 Lisa W

Over the fence I go . . .

Canon EOS 350D
1/60s f/5.6 at 55.0mm iso400 - Kit lens full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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cits_4_pets10-Jun-2009 01:03
Excellent! v
norbi12-Dec-2008 13:07
Lovely shot - congratulations. v. norbi
Waynes World of Pictures12-May-2008 08:12
Nice image..I like the paw on the fence too !
Chris Thorpe22-Apr-2008 13:13
Very cute but I prefer them to be cautious and wary...Excellent capture!
toxaphene04-Mar-2008 13:11
very interesting!!
Eldar Kadymov20-Nov-2007 02:29
Jesas, she looks so sad, LOL ! V
nightowl20-Nov-2007 02:04
Wonderful capture. Great expression!
Zeev Parush18-Sep-2007 06:17
great shot - he looks so sad, almost crying...
Tom Briggs03-Jul-2007 14:36
What a great shot ... he looks kind of sad ... perhaps he feels he should've been invited.
Elise 19-Jun-2007 20:11
Did you notice the knots in the fence look like racoon's eyes before you took this shot? Very cool, indeed!
Richard Calmes08-Jun-2007 02:01
Perfect! V
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