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A picture may say 1K of words but consumes the bandwidth of 2K | profile | all galleries >> Night clubs, Fetish Events and Parties. >> Who's house ? Ken's house December 2008 at the Oakland Avenue location tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Who's house ? Ken's house December 2008 at the Oakland Avenue location

A big thanks to Ken Lollyd and Kristina Keathly for hosting many excellent parties.
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Ken  at Shanadohah House.jpg
Ken at Shanadohah House.jpg
Dsc05127.jpg Jennifer and Mare
Dsc05127.jpg Jennifer and Mare
Dsc05128.jpg Mare and Amy
Dsc05128.jpg Mare and Amy
Dsc05129.jpg Desina, Mare, Jennifer and Amy They're all smiling because they have never woke up next to me
Dsc05129.jpg Desina, Mare, Jennifer and Amy They're all smiling because they have never woke up next to me
Dsc05135.jpg Lisa and Krista
Dsc05135.jpg Lisa and Krista
Dsc05136.jpg Veronika
Dsc05136.jpg Veronika
Dsc05137.jpg Phil
Dsc05137.jpg Phil
Dsc05140.jpg Nicoleat and Erik Day
Dsc05140.jpg Nicoleat and Erik Day
Dsc05143.jpg ??? Brian and ????
Dsc05143.jpg ??? Brian and ????
Dsc05145.jpg Calvin and Ken
Dsc05145.jpg Calvin and Ken
Dsc05146.jpg Ken says Come have a visit with the green fairy
Dsc05146.jpg Ken says "Come have a visit with the green fairy"
Dsc05147.jpg its been said that its the devil's own....
Dsc05147.jpg its been said that its the devil's own....
Dsc05148.jpg Drink and enjoy the boheimian lifestyle
Dsc05148.jpg Drink and enjoy the boheimian lifestyle
Dsc05149.jpg Want it?      Can't have it!
Dsc05149.jpg Want it? Can't have it!
Dsc05151.jpg ???? and ???
Dsc05151.jpg ???? and ???
Dsc05152.jpg ????
Dsc05152.jpg ????
Dsc05155.jpg Amy, Ken and
Dsc05155.jpg Amy, Ken and
Dsc05156.jpg Amy, Pat,David and Lisa
Dsc05156.jpg Amy, Pat,David and Lisa
Dsc05160.jpg Brian and ??????
Dsc05160.jpg Brian and ??????
Dsc05161.jpg The dance floor
Dsc05161.jpg The dance floor
Dsc05162.jpg Colleen  Amy and David
Dsc05162.jpg Colleen Amy and David
Dsc05163.jpg Roadie and David
Dsc05163.jpg Roadie and David
Dsc05164.jpg Roadie
Dsc05164.jpg Roadie
Dsc05165.jpg Bill yup that's me
Dsc05165.jpg Bill yup that's me
Dsc05166.jpg ???
Dsc05166.jpg ???
Dsc05169.jpg DJ Stephen_Christopher
Dsc05169.jpg DJ Stephen_Christopher
Dsc05172.jpg Chris
Dsc05172.jpg Chris
Dsc05176.jpg Krista and ????
Dsc05176.jpg Krista and ????
Dsc05188.jpg I love the upper back and there's none that's hotter.....
Dsc05188.jpg I love the upper back and there's none that's hotter.....
Dsc05189.jpg and don't even get me started about the neck....
Dsc05189.jpg and don't even get me started about the neck....
Dsc05193.jpg Dee Dee and Shane
Dsc05193.jpg Dee Dee and Shane
Dsc05199.jpg Lobster
Dsc05199.jpg Lobster
Dsc05297.jpgSusan and Bill
Dsc05297.jpgSusan and Bill
Dsc05298.jpg Eric and Gail
Dsc05298.jpg Eric and Gail
Dsc05299.jpg Gail and a hot piece of ass
Dsc05299.jpg Gail and a hot piece of ass
Dsc05300.jpg Gail  If my body is a temple why are you not on your knees?
Dsc05300.jpg Gail "If my body is a temple why are you not on your knees?"
Dsc05301.jpg Gail and Ken
Dsc05301.jpg Gail and Ken
Dsc05302.jpg Eric, Ken and Gail
Dsc05302.jpg Eric, Ken and Gail
Dsc05303.jpg Drink this hon and we all look cutier
Dsc05303.jpg Drink this hon and we all look cutier
Dsc05305.jpg Denisa
Dsc05305.jpg Denisa
Dsc05306.jpg Walter
Dsc05306.jpg Walter
Dsc05309.jpg  Gail and Ken
Dsc05309.jpg Gail and Ken
Dsc05310.jpg dance floor Gail in blue top, Mare with the black and red hair. Anyone else please comment and name yourself.
Dsc05310.jpg dance floor Gail in blue top, Mare with the black and red hair. Anyone else please comment and name yourself.
Dsc05311.jpg Mare and jennifer
Dsc05311.jpg Mare and jennifer
Dsc05315.jpg Stefan and Traci
Dsc05315.jpg Stefan and Traci
Dsc05319.jpg Yes and Yes please
Dsc05319.jpg Yes and Yes please
Dsc05320.jpg Gail
Dsc05320.jpg Gail
Dsc05322.jpg Mare
Dsc05322.jpg Mare
Dsc05326.jpg Eric and Gail
Dsc05326.jpg Eric and Gail
Dsc05332.jpg Bob and AMy
Dsc05332.jpg Bob and AMy
Dsc05336.jpg Amy
Dsc05336.jpg Amy
Dsc05339.jpg Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.... please?
Dsc05339.jpg Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.... please?
Dsc05341.jpg Gail and Eric
Dsc05341.jpg Gail and Eric
Dsc05342.jpg Gail and Eric
Dsc05342.jpg Gail and Eric
Dsc05343.jpg Roadie   Hey Bill have you actualy seen this before in real life?
Dsc05343.jpg Roadie " Hey Bill have you actualy seen this before in real life?"
Dsc05345.jpg Susan
Dsc05345.jpg Susan
Dsc05346.jpg Gail and Eric
Dsc05346.jpg Gail and Eric
Dsc05347.jpg What do you see?
Dsc05347.jpg What do you see?
Dsc05348.jpg Gail and Eric
Dsc05348.jpg Gail and Eric
Dsc05349.jpg They say you always hurt the ones you love...Spank Me?
Dsc05349.jpg They say you always hurt the ones you love...Spank Me?
Dsc05350.jpg Gail and Eric
Dsc05350.jpg Gail and Eric
Dsc05355.jpg  ???
Dsc05355.jpg ???
Dsc05357.jpg Susan
Dsc05357.jpg Susan
Dsc05200.jpg Lobster and Ken
Dsc05200.jpg Lobster and Ken
Dsc05207.jpg Clock at Ken Lollyds  Shenandoah  Ave house  Famous House Parties
Dsc05207.jpg Clock at Ken Lollyds Shenandoah Ave house Famous House Parties
Dsc05208.jpg  Jamison, Collen and Amy
Dsc05208.jpg Jamison, Collen and Amy
Dsc05209.jpg  Jamison, Collen and Amy
Dsc05209.jpg Jamison, Collen and Amy
Dsc05214.jpg Mare and David
Dsc05214.jpg Mare and David
Dsc05215.jpg Mare and David
Dsc05215.jpg Mare and David
Dsc05219.jpg Brian and ???
Dsc05219.jpg Brian and ???
Dsc05220.jpg Ken and???
Dsc05220.jpg Ken and???
Dsc05221.jpg  ??? and Krista
Dsc05221.jpg ??? and Krista
Dsc05223.jpg Ken
Dsc05223.jpg Ken
Dsc05225.jpg  I'm not worthy to bask in the glow of their beauty
Dsc05225.jpg I'm not worthy to bask in the glow of their beauty
Dsc05234.jpg Did I walk in at a bad time
Dsc05234.jpg Did I walk in at a bad time
Dsc05237.jpg You have to see my drawings to understand
Dsc05237.jpg You have to see my drawings to understand
Dsc05242.jpg Denisa
Dsc05242.jpg Denisa
Dsc05248.jpg Erik and Roadie.  It won't work I'm monosexual... thats ok I prefer women.    Cause if you want a job done right
Dsc05248.jpg Erik and Roadie. It won't work I'm monosexual... thats ok I prefer women. Cause if you want a job done right
Dsc05253.jpg David and ???
Dsc05253.jpg David and ???
Dsc05255.jpg Krista and Juergen
Dsc05255.jpg Krista and Juergen
Dsc05258.jpg Phil
Dsc05258.jpg Phil
Dsc05260.jpg ???and Bill
Dsc05260.jpg ???and Bill
Dsc05263.jpg You already know about me and upper backs by now
Dsc05263.jpg You already know about me and upper backs by now
Dsc05264.jpg Tiffany
Dsc05264.jpg Tiffany
Dsc05265.jpg Mark and Pat
Dsc05265.jpg Mark and Pat
Dsc05266.jpg ???
Dsc05266.jpg ???
Dsc05270.jpg Calvin
Dsc05270.jpg Calvin
Dsc05271.jpg ??? and Krista
Dsc05271.jpg ??? and Krista
Dsc05276.jpg Brian James
Dsc05276.jpg Brian James
Dsc05277.jpg Ken and Bill
Dsc05277.jpg Ken and Bill
Dsc05279.jpg ??? and Ken
Dsc05279.jpg ??? and Ken
Dsc05289.jpg ???
Dsc05289.jpg ???
Dsc05290.jpg ??? and Gail
Dsc05290.jpg ??? and Gail
Dsc05291.jpg Gail
Dsc05291.jpg Gail
Dsc05292.jpg gail and ????
Dsc05292.jpg gail and ????
Dsc05294.jpg Walter
Dsc05294.jpg Walter
Dsc05296.jpg Susan and Bill
Dsc05296.jpg Susan and Bill
Dsc06967.jpg Rachel
Dsc06967.jpg Rachel
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