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A picture may say 1K of words but consumes the bandwidth of 2K | profile | all galleries >> Night clubs, Fetish Events and Parties. >> Who's house ? Ken's house December 2008 at the Oakland Avenue location tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Who's house ? Ken's house December 2008 at the Oakland Avenue location

A big thanks to Ken Lollyd and Kristina Keathly for hosting many excellent parties.
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Dsc05200.jpg Lobster and Ken
Dsc05200.jpg Lobster and Ken
Dsc05207.jpg Clock at Ken Lollyds  Shenandoah  Ave house  Famous House Parties
Dsc05207.jpg Clock at Ken Lollyds Shenandoah Ave house Famous House Parties
Dsc05208.jpg  Jamison, Collen and Amy
Dsc05208.jpg Jamison, Collen and Amy
Dsc05209.jpg  Jamison, Collen and Amy
Dsc05209.jpg Jamison, Collen and Amy
Dsc05214.jpg Mare and David
Dsc05214.jpg Mare and David
Dsc05215.jpg Mare and David
Dsc05215.jpg Mare and David
Dsc05219.jpg Brian and ???
Dsc05219.jpg Brian and ???
Dsc05220.jpg Ken and???
Dsc05220.jpg Ken and???
Dsc05221.jpg  ??? and Krista
Dsc05221.jpg ??? and Krista
Dsc05223.jpg Ken
Dsc05223.jpg Ken
Dsc05225.jpg  I'm not worthy to bask in the glow of their beauty
Dsc05225.jpg I'm not worthy to bask in the glow of their beauty
Dsc05234.jpg Did I walk in at a bad time
Dsc05234.jpg Did I walk in at a bad time
Dsc05237.jpg You have to see my drawings to understand
Dsc05237.jpg You have to see my drawings to understand
Dsc05242.jpg Denisa
Dsc05242.jpg Denisa
Dsc05248.jpg Erik and Roadie.  It won't work I'm monosexual... thats ok I prefer women.    Cause if you want a job done right
Dsc05248.jpg Erik and Roadie. It won't work I'm monosexual... thats ok I prefer women. Cause if you want a job done right
Dsc05253.jpg David and ???
Dsc05253.jpg David and ???
Dsc05255.jpg Krista and Juergen
Dsc05255.jpg Krista and Juergen
Dsc05258.jpg Phil
Dsc05258.jpg Phil
Dsc05260.jpg ???and Bill
Dsc05260.jpg ???and Bill
Dsc05263.jpg You already know about me and upper backs by now
Dsc05263.jpg You already know about me and upper backs by now
Dsc05264.jpg Tiffany
Dsc05264.jpg Tiffany
Dsc05265.jpg Mark and Pat
Dsc05265.jpg Mark and Pat
Dsc05266.jpg ???
Dsc05266.jpg ???
Dsc05270.jpg Calvin
Dsc05270.jpg Calvin
Dsc05271.jpg ??? and Krista
Dsc05271.jpg ??? and Krista
Dsc05276.jpg Brian James
Dsc05276.jpg Brian James
Dsc05277.jpg Ken and Bill
Dsc05277.jpg Ken and Bill
Dsc05279.jpg ??? and Ken
Dsc05279.jpg ??? and Ken
Dsc05289.jpg ???
Dsc05289.jpg ???
Dsc05290.jpg ??? and Gail
Dsc05290.jpg ??? and Gail
Dsc05291.jpg Gail
Dsc05291.jpg Gail
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