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16-MAR-2006 B G Bryan


Geling, Upper Mustang, Nepal

There is usually a collection of charcoal burners and kettles for butter tea in the kitchen of these houses. One or two kettles will be for everyday use and one at least will be on or near the stove at all times keeping some butter tea hot ready for visitors. There will also be several kettles that are kept for special occasions and this photo shows 3 of the 6 that were in this kitchen. Hot charcoals from the fire are placed in the lower section (the copper part) and freshly made butter tea is put in the kettle. The kettle is kept hot but not boiling by the heat rising from the charcoals.

FujiFilm FinePix S9000 Zoom
1/45s f/2.9 at 6.8mm iso80 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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