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Patricia Fisher | all galleries >> Galleries >> Thunder and Lightning >
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The Feather Wildlife rehab center wishes to thank some of the people that helped to make sure these eagles were released.

First of all to the great group of landowners where the eagles came from, The Pine Lake Property owners. To Marlys Hurst who hosted the nest tree and has since had the parents re nest the last two years on her part of the lake. Thanks for the donations over the years for upkeep of the birds. To Wm and Jan Powell who went with us on the first release and to Art Kucksdorf for the great write up in their newsletter.

To the New London fishermen who supplied us with fresh fish for over two years, Tom King, Steve Jordan, Don Cashmore, and game warden Mike Young who not only brought fish, but deer legs also.

To my neighbors and bus buddies, who supplied the bunnies and squirrels, Wally Heise, Carol Mc Ilraith, Curt Sommer, Lee Volz and Barb Jeffers.

To all the volunteers that make this place work year after year.

Don Baumgartner, Ginny Perrault, Wendy, John and William Mayer, Margie Nelson, Carol Mc Ilraith, Kevin Pullen, Ron Voltz, and Barb Jeffers.

Thanks to Pat Wolff from the Oshkosh Daily Northwestern and Gail Boehm from the Juneau County Star-Times for covering the release.

Last but not least the two young men at the Petenwell dam. To Virgil Schlorke Supervisior for WRPCO for plowing out the lot so we could get to the water site and to Darrin Johnson for keeping us updated on the eagles that visit the dam. Also good to see children at the release.

It has been almost a month now and so far we have not seen or heard from Lightning and I sure hope it is some 15-20 years before we do.

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