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Grant John | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Workshops 2015 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Workshops 2015

Here are a few images from Beaver Bend State Park in SE Oklahoma, and from Hamilton Pool Preserve in Travis County, TX.
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2015-10-26 15:36
2015-10-26 15:36
2015-10-26 16:14
2015-10-26 16:14
2015-10-26 15:59
2015-10-26 15:59
2015-10-26 15:57
2015-10-26 15:57
2015-10-26 15:42
2015-10-26 15:42
2015-10-26 15:34
2015-10-26 15:34
2015-10-26 16:20
2015-10-26 16:20
2015-10-26 14:22
2015-10-26 14:22
2015-10-26 16:10
2015-10-26 16:10
2015-10-26 13:24
2015-10-26 13:24
2015-10-26 15:28
2015-10-26 15:28
2015-10-27 15:10
2015-10-27 15:10
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