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Michael Tuell | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Darkfield reflected Rheinberg tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Darkfield reflected Rheinberg

These images are taken with BD Plan objectives with the darkfield sectors each colored differently. I have named this technique "Disco Lights Illumination", since DRR is so boring. Thanks to GaryB on for the John Travolta addition!
Disco Lights Illumination.jpg
Disco Lights Illumination.jpg
pollen 100x BD Plan DF Rheinberg stack small.jpg
pollen 100x BD Plan DF Rheinberg stack small.jpg
10x 3D printed DF Rheinberg stack.jpg
10x 3D printed DF Rheinberg stack.jpg
40x dremel glass DF Rheinberg bright.jpg
40x dremel glass DF Rheinberg bright.jpg
10x DLI plastic cap stack.jpg
10x DLI plastic cap stack.jpg
One Point Twenty-One Jigga-Watts!!!
"One Point Twenty-One Jigga-Watts!!!"
Rheinberg 10x BD diatoms on black paper - background.jpg
Rheinberg 10x BD diatoms on black paper - background.jpg
Rheinberg 10x BD diatoms on black paper - diatom focus.jpg
Rheinberg 10x BD diatoms on black paper - diatom focus.jpg
moth wing scales 10x Rheinberg.jpg
moth wing scales 10x Rheinberg.jpg
10x nickel DF Rheinberg bright small.jpg
10x nickel DF Rheinberg bright small.jpg
20x CCD damaged area DF.jpg
20x CCD damaged area DF.jpg
20x CCD damaged area DF Rheinberg.jpg
20x CCD damaged area DF Rheinberg.jpg
20x CCD damaged area BF.jpg
20x CCD damaged area BF.jpg
40x DLI CMOS crop.jpg
40x DLI CMOS crop.jpg
10x DLI Gorilla glue bright.jpg
10x DLI Gorilla glue bright.jpg
10x DLI Gorilla glue 2 avg.jpg
10x DLI Gorilla glue 2 avg.jpg
5x DLI tomato.jpg
5x DLI tomato.jpg
5x 3D printed honeycomb avg large.jpg
5x 3D printed honeycomb avg large.jpg
10x DLI SiC avg.jpg
10x DLI SiC avg.jpg