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Tom Grey | profile | all galleries >> Birds - Trips >> Birds -- United Kingdom, July 2013 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Birds -- United Kingdom, July 2013

My wife and I took a vacation in England, mostly London, July 1-18, 2013, seeing a lot of theater and many old churches. I also brought a camera and lens for incidental bird photography, and put them to use on several mornings in the churchyard of St. John's, Hampstead; on Hampstead Heath; and along the Avon in Stratford (thanks to Richard Morris for a memorable early morning bird walk.) Below are a selection from my pictures.

One of the pictures below shows a surprising interaction between a fledgling and an adult Eurasian Blackbird (Turdus merula.) A more extensive sequence showing a similar interaction is at .
Goldcrest, male
Goldcrest, male
Goldcrest, juvenile
Goldcrest, juvenile
Green Woodpecker
Green Woodpecker
Common Reed Bunting, male
Common Reed Bunting, male
Eurasian Wren, singing male
Eurasian Wren, singing male
Eurasian Jay
Eurasian Jay
Eurasian Jay
Eurasian Jay
Common Whitethroat
Common Whitethroat
Blackcap, juvenile female (?)
Blackcap, juvenile female (?)
Eurasian Blackbirds, adult to fledgling 3
Eurasian Blackbirds, adult to fledgling 3
Eurasian Magpies, pair courting
Eurasian Magpies, pair courting
European Robin
European Robin
European Robin, carrying food to nest
European Robin, carrying food to nest
European Robin, carrying food to nest
European Robin, carrying food to nest
Song Thrush
Song Thrush
Blue Tit
Blue Tit
Blue Tit, juvenile
Blue Tit, juvenile
Great Tit, juvenile
Great Tit, juvenile
Chaffinch, female
Chaffinch, female
Chaffinch, female
Chaffinch, female
Carrion Crow
Carrion Crow
Woodpigeon, carrying nesting material
Woodpigeon, carrying nesting material
Gray Heron
Gray Heron
Eurasian Coot
Eurasian Coot
Eurasian Coot, juvenile
Eurasian Coot, juvenile
Mute Swan
Mute Swan
Greylag Goose
Greylag Goose
Mallards, female with two ducklings
Mallards, female with two ducklings
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Lesser Black-backed Gull, with fish
Lesser Black-backed Gull, with fish
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Black-headed Gull, breeding plumage
Black-headed Gull, breeding plumage