Williamson's Sapsucker, male |
 Williamson's Sapsucker, male at nest |
 Williamson's Sapsucker, male bringing food to nest |
 Williamson's Sapsucker, female bringing food to nest |
 Pygmy Nuthatch |
 Pygmy Nuthatch |
 Pygmy Nuthatches, incubating pair |
 Pygmy Nuthatches, male feeding female at nest |
 Nashville Warbler |
 House Wren, singing male |
 Western Wood-Pewee |
 Mountain Bluebird, male |
 Mountain Bluebird, female |
 Tree Swallows, pair at nestbox |
 White-breasted Nuthatch, at nest |
 White-breasted Nuthatches, pair, female incubating |
 Gray Flycatcher |
 Gray Flycatcher |
 Gray Flycatcher |
 Lewis's Woodpecker |
 Willet, breeding plumage |
 Swainson's Hawk |
 Yellow-headed Blackbird, male |
 Yellow-headed Blackbird, male |
 Wilson's Snipe |
 American Bittern |
 Barn Swallow |
 Cliff Swallow |
 Horned Lark, male |
 Brewer's Blackbird, male |
 Brewer's Blackbird, female |
 Yellow-rumped Warbler, female "Audubon's", with nesting material. |
 Hermit Warbler, male |
 Sandhill Cranes |
 American Dipper, female incubating |
 American Dipper |
 American Dipper |
 American Dipper |
 Calliope Hummingbird, female |
 Black-backed Woodpecker, male |
 White-headed Woodpecker, male |
 Red-breasted Nuthatch, male |
 Western Tanager, female |
 Townsend's Solitaire |
 Evening Grosbeak, male |
 Cassin's Finch, male |
 Chipping Sparrow |
 Lazuli Bunting, male |
 Lazuli Bunting, female |
 Red-breasted Sapsucker |
 Red-breasted Sapsucker, making wells |
 Red-breasted Sapsucker |