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Tom Grey | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birds -- SF Bay Area, LATEST tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Birds -- SF Bay Area, LATEST

My recently posted pictures of birds taken near to home, latest first. Other recent pictures, for instance from a trip, are in galleries appearing before this one in .

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Cooper's Hawk, adult, 03-Sep-2020
Cooper's Hawk, adult, 03-Sep-2020
Oak Titmouses, adult and juvenile, 17-May-2021
Oak Titmouses, adult and juvenile, 17-May-2021
Oak Titmouse, juvenile, 17-May-2021
Oak Titmouse, juvenile, 17-May-2021
Oak Titmouse, adult, 17-May-2021
Oak Titmouse, adult, 17-May-2021
Western Bluebird, female, 12-May-2021
Western Bluebird, female, 12-May-2021
Western Bluebird, female, 12-May-2021
Western Bluebird, female, 12-May-2021
Western Bluebird, female, 12-May-2021
Western Bluebird, female, 12-May-2021
Nuttall's Woodpecker, male, 10-May-2021
Nuttall's Woodpecker, male, 10-May-2021
Red-shouldered Hawk, 10-May-2021
Red-shouldered Hawk, 10-May-2021
Red-shouldered Hawk, 10-May-2021
Red-shouldered Hawk, 10-May-2021
Cedar Waxwings, 23-Apr-2021
Cedar Waxwings, 23-Apr-2021
Cedar Waxwings, 23-Apr-2021
Cedar Waxwings, 23-Apr-2021
White-breasted Nuthatch, 18-Apr-2021
White-breasted Nuthatch, 18-Apr-2021
Dark-eyed Junco, Oregon male, 20-Mar-2021
Dark-eyed Junco, Oregon male, 20-Mar-2021
Pygmy Nuthatch, 17-Mar-2021
Pygmy Nuthatch, 17-Mar-2021
Lesser Goldfinch, male, 09-Mar-2021
Lesser Goldfinch, male, 09-Mar-2021
Bushtits, 09-Mar-2021
Bushtits, 09-Mar-2021
Bushtits, 09-Mar-2021
Bushtits, 09-Mar-2021
Bushtits, 09-Mar-2021
Bushtits, 09-Mar-2021
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 09-Mar-2021
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 09-Mar-2021
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 03-Mar-2021
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 03-Mar-2021
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 03-Mar-2021
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 03-Mar-2021
Pygmy Nuthatch, 03-Mar-2021
Pygmy Nuthatch, 03-Mar-2021
Pygmy Nuthatches, 03-Mar-2021
Pygmy Nuthatches, 03-Mar-2021
Spotted Towhee, male, 26-Feb-2021
Spotted Towhee, male, 26-Feb-2021
Spotted Towhee, male, 26-Feb-2021
Spotted Towhee, male, 26-Feb-2021
Spotted Towhee, male, 26-Feb-2021
Spotted Towhee, male, 26-Feb-2021
American Avocet, female, 24-Feb-2021
American Avocet, female, 24-Feb-2021
American Wigeon, male, 24-Feb-2021
American Wigeon, male, 24-Feb-2021
American Wigeon, male, 24-Feb-2021
American Wigeon, male, 24-Feb-2021
Double-crested Cormorant, 24-Feb-2021
Double-crested Cormorant, 24-Feb-2021
Cedar Waxwing, 12-Feb-2021
Cedar Waxwing, 12-Feb-2021
Purple Finch, female, 08-Feb-2021
Purple Finch, female, 08-Feb-2021
Purple Finch, female, 08-Feb-2021
Purple Finch, female, 08-Feb-2021
Great Horned Owl, 23-Jan-2021
Great Horned Owl, 23-Jan-2021
Hutton's Vireo, 21/jan/2021
Hutton's Vireo, 21/jan/2021
Hutton's Vireo, 21-Jan-2021
Hutton's Vireo, 21-Jan-2021
Anna's Hummingbird, male, 21/jan/2021
Anna's Hummingbird, male, 21/jan/2021
Surf Scoter, male, 18-Jan-2021
Surf Scoter, male, 18-Jan-2021
Eared Grebe, 18/Jan/2021
Eared Grebe, 18/Jan/2021
Horned Grebe, 18/Jan/2021
Horned Grebe, 18/Jan/2021
Snowy Egret, foraging, 18/Jan/2021
Snowy Egret, foraging, 18/Jan/2021
Northern Mockingbird, 18/Jan/2021
Northern Mockingbird, 18/Jan/2021
Pygmy Nuthatch, 12/Jan/2021
Pygmy Nuthatch, 12/Jan/2021
Pygmy Nuthatches, 12/Jan/2021
Pygmy Nuthatches, 12/Jan/2021
Pygmy Nuthatches, 12/Jan/21
Pygmy Nuthatches, 12/Jan/21
Pine Siskin, 12/Jan/21
Pine Siskin, 12/Jan/21
Red-shouldered Hawk, 10-Jan-2021
Red-shouldered Hawk, 10-Jan-2021
Cedar Waxwings, 29-Dec-2020
Cedar Waxwings, 29-Dec-2020
Cedar Waxwings, flock at fountain, 29-Dec-2020
Cedar Waxwings, flock at fountain, 29-Dec-2020
Ferruginous Hawk, 20-Dec-2020
Ferruginous Hawk, 20-Dec-2020
White-crowned Sparrow, persimmons, 20-Dec-2020
White-crowned Sparrow, persimmons, 20-Dec-2020
European Starling, with persimmon, 20-Dec-2020
European Starling, with persimmon, 20-Dec-2020
European Starling, persimmons, 20-Dec-2020
European Starling, persimmons, 20-Dec-2020
European Starling, persimmons, 20-Dec-2020
European Starling, persimmons, 20-Dec-2020
European Starling, persimmons, 20-Dec-2020
European Starling, persimmons, 20-Dec-2020
Brant, 20-Dec-2020
Brant, 20-Dec-2020
Brant, 20-Dec-2020
Brant, 20-Dec-2020
Bufflehead, male, 20-Dec-2020
Bufflehead, male, 20-Dec-2020
Bufflehead, female, 20-Dec-2020
Bufflehead, female, 20-Dec-2020
Bufflehead, male, 20-Dec-2020
Bufflehead, male, 20-Dec-2020
Buffleheads, 20-Dec-2020
Buffleheads, 20-Dec-2020
Surf Scoter, male, 20-Dec-2020
Surf Scoter, male, 20-Dec-2020
Greater Yellowlegs, 20-Dec-2020
Greater Yellowlegs, 20-Dec-2020
Killdeer, female, 20-Dec-2020
Killdeer, female, 20-Dec-2020
Common Goldeneye, female in flight, 20-Dec-2020
Common Goldeneye, female in flight, 20-Dec-2020
Red-naped Sapsucker, juvenile, 25-Nov-2020
Red-naped Sapsucker, juvenile, 25-Nov-2020
Townsend's Warbler, female, 25-Nov-2020
Townsend's Warbler, female, 25-Nov-2020
Townsend's Warbler, female, 25-Nov-2020
Townsend's Warbler, female, 25-Nov-2020
Townsend's Warbler, male, 25-Nov-2020
Townsend's Warbler, male, 25-Nov-2020
Townsend's Warbler, male, 25-Nov-2020
Townsend's Warbler, male, 25-Nov-2020
Wrentit, 25-Nov-2020
Wrentit, 25-Nov-2020
Western Scrub-Jay, 25-Nov-2020
Western Scrub-Jay, 25-Nov-2020
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 25-Nov-2020
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 25-Nov-2020
Townsend's Warbler, male, 13-Nov-2020
Townsend's Warbler, male, 13-Nov-2020
Townsend's Warbler, female, 13-Nov-2020
Townsend's Warbler, female, 13-Nov-2020
Townsend's Warblers, pair, female on right, 13-Nov-2020
Townsend's Warblers, pair, female on right, 13-Nov-2020
Townsend's Warblers, pair, female on left, 13-Nov-2020
Townsend's Warblers, pair, female on left, 13-Nov-2020
Common Gallinule, 31-Oct-2020
Common Gallinule, 31-Oct-2020
Northern Harrier, male, 31-Oct-2020
Northern Harrier, male, 31-Oct-2020
Black-crowned Night Heron, 31-Oct-2020
Black-crowned Night Heron, 31-Oct-2020
Black Phoebe, 31-Oct-2020
Black Phoebe, 31-Oct-2020
Greater Yellowlegs, 31-Oct-2020
Greater Yellowlegs, 31-Oct-2020
Killdeer, 31-Oct-2020
Killdeer, 31-Oct-2020
Northern Mockingbird, 31-Oct-2020
Northern Mockingbird, 31-Oct-2020
Northern Shoveler, male, 31-Oct-2020
Northern Shoveler, male, 31-Oct-2020
Snowy Egret, with food, 31-Oct-2020
Snowy Egret, with food, 31-Oct-2020
Snowy Egret, preening, 31-Oct-2020
Snowy Egret, preening, 31-Oct-2020
Cooper's Hawk, 30-Oct-2020
Cooper's Hawk, 30-Oct-2020
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's, 21-Oct-2020
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's, 21-Oct-2020
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's, 18-Oct-2020
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's, 18-Oct-2020
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's, 18-Oct-2020
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's, 18-Oct-2020
Anna's Hummingbird, male, 10-Oct-2020
Anna's Hummingbird, male, 10-Oct-2020
Hermit Thrush, 07-Oct-2020
Hermit Thrush, 07-Oct-2020
American Robin, 02-Sep-2020
American Robin, 02-Sep-2020
Cooper's Hawk, 03-Sep-2020
Cooper's Hawk, 03-Sep-2020
Western Bluebirds, males, 14-Aug-2020
Western Bluebirds, males, 14-Aug-2020
Western Bluebird, female, 14/8/20
Western Bluebird, female, 14/8/20
Western Bluebird, female, 14/8/20
Western Bluebird, female, 14/8/20
Cooper's Hawk, 02-Aug-2020
Cooper's Hawk, 02-Aug-2020
White-tailed Kite, juvenile, 26/7/20
White-tailed Kite, juvenile, 26/7/20
White-tailed Kite, juvenile, flying
White-tailed Kite, juvenile, flying
White-tailed Kite, juvenile, flying
White-tailed Kite, juvenile, flying
White-tailed Kites, juveniles
White-tailed Kites, juveniles
Pied-billed Grebe, on nest
Pied-billed Grebe, on nest
Green Heron, adult or second year
Green Heron, adult or second year
White-tailed Kite, juvenile (mystery?)
White-tailed Kite, juvenile (mystery?)
White-tailed Kite, juvenile
White-tailed Kite, juvenile
White-tailed Kite, juvenile
White-tailed Kite, juvenile
Cooper's Hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Two White-tailed Kites, juveniles
Two White-tailed Kites, juveniles
Red-shouldered Hawk, juvenile
Red-shouldered Hawk, juvenile
Killdeers, adult and two chicks
Killdeers, adult and two chicks
Pied-billed Grebes, adult and chicks
Pied-billed Grebes, adult and chicks
Pied-billed Grebes, adult and two chicks
Pied-billed Grebes, adult and two chicks
Common Gallinules, adult with chick
Common Gallinules, adult with chick
Common Gallinules, foraging
Common Gallinules, foraging
Canada Geese, adult with three chicks
Canada Geese, adult with three chicks
Green Heron, adult or second year
Green Heron, adult or second year
Green Heron, juvenile
Green Heron, juvenile
Green Heron, juvenile
Green Heron, juvenile
Green Heron, juvenile
Green Heron, juvenile
White-tailed Kite
White-tailed Kite
White-tailed Kite, juvenile
White-tailed Kite, juvenile
White-tailed Kite, juvenile
White-tailed Kite, juvenile
Red-shouldered Hawk, juvenile
Red-shouldered Hawk, juvenile
Red-shouldered Hawk, juvenile
Red-shouldered Hawk, juvenile
Pied-billed Grebe, on nest
Pied-billed Grebe, on nest
Pied-billed Grebe, on nest
Pied-billed Grebe, on nest
Pied-billed Grebe, nest, five eggs
Pied-billed Grebe, nest, five eggs
Killdeer, on nest
Killdeer, on nest
Gadwall, female, with 4 chicks
Gadwall, female, with 4 chicks
Common Gallinules, pair, bonding
Common Gallinules, pair, bonding
Common Gallinules, pair, bonding
Common Gallinules, pair, bonding
Western Bluebird, female
Western Bluebird, female
Western Bluebirds, adult female and three juveniles
Western Bluebirds, adult female and three juveniles
Western Bluebirds, adult male and juvenile
Western Bluebirds, adult male and juvenile
Western Bluebird, adult male and juvenile
Western Bluebird, adult male and juvenile
Western Bluebirds, juveniles
Western Bluebirds, juveniles
Western Bluebirds. juveniles
Western Bluebirds. juveniles
Western Bluebird, male bathing
Western Bluebird, male bathing
Oak Titmouse
Oak Titmouse
American Crows, pair
American Crows, pair
Common Gallinule, chick
Common Gallinule, chick
Common Gallinules, adult with chick
Common Gallinules, adult with chick
Common Gallinules, fighting
Common Gallinules, fighting
Common Gallinules, fighting
Common Gallinules, fighting
Pied-billed Grebe, nesting
Pied-billed Grebe, nesting
Canada Goose, gosling
Canada Goose, gosling
Cinnamon Teal, male
Cinnamon Teal, male
American White Pelican
American White Pelican
Black Skimmer
Black Skimmer
Western Bluebirds, juveniles
Western Bluebirds, juveniles
Western Bluebird, juvenile
Western Bluebird, juvenile
Greater Yellowlegs, partially molted
Greater Yellowlegs, partially molted
Cinnamon Teal, male
Cinnamon Teal, male
Black-necked Stilt, giving the eye
Black-necked Stilt, giving the eye
Red-winged Blackbird, bicolored male
Red-winged Blackbird, bicolored male
Song Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Nuttall's Woodpecker, male
Nuttall's Woodpecker, male
Nuttall's Woodpecker, male
Nuttall's Woodpecker, male
Wilson's Warbler, female
Wilson's Warbler, female
Wilson's Warbler, female
Wilson's Warbler, female
Dark-eyed Junco, juvenile
Dark-eyed Junco, juvenile
Dark-eyed Junco, juvenile
Dark-eyed Junco, juvenile
Dark-eyed Junco, juvenile
Dark-eyed Junco, juvenile
Dark-eyed Junco, juvenile
Dark-eyed Junco, juvenile
Hermit Thrush
Hermit Thrush
Spotted Towhee, male
Spotted Towhee, male
Spotted Towhee, male
Spotted Towhee, male
Spotted Towhee, male
Spotted Towhee, male
Spotted Towhee, male
Spotted Towhee, male
Lesser Goldfinch, female
Lesser Goldfinch, female
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's
Anna's Hummingbirds, females 2
Anna's Hummingbirds, females 2
Anna's Hummingbirds, females 1
Anna's Hummingbirds, females 1
Dark-eyed Junco, Oregon male
Dark-eyed Junco, Oregon male
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's
American Crow
American Crow
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Myrtle
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Myrtle
Anna's Hummingbird, male
Anna's Hummingbird, male
Anna's Hummingbird, male
Anna's Hummingbird, male
American Crow
American Crow
Anna's Hummingbird
Anna's Hummingbird
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Pine Siskin
Pine Siskin
Townsend's Warbler, male
Townsend's Warbler, male
Townsend's Warbler, male
Townsend's Warbler, male
Townsend's Warbler, male
Townsend's Warbler, male
Hermit Thrush
Hermit Thrush
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Myrtle
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Myrtle
Anna's Hummingbird, male
Anna's Hummingbird, male
Anna's Hummingbird, male
Anna's Hummingbird, male
Purple Finch, female or immature
Purple Finch, female or immature
Purple Finch, female or immature, 09-Feb-2020
Purple Finch, female or immature, 09-Feb-2020
House Finch, male, 14-Feb-2020
House Finch, male, 14-Feb-2020
Red-breasted Nuthatch, 09-Feb-2020
Red-breasted Nuthatch, 09-Feb-2020
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 09-Feb-2020
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 09-Feb-2020
Cedar Waxwing, 09-Feb-2020
Cedar Waxwing, 09-Feb-2020
Cedar Waxwing, 09-Feb-2020
Cedar Waxwing, 09-Feb-2020
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Myrtle, 09-Feb-2020
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Myrtle, 09-Feb-2020
Cedar Waxwing and American Robin, 09-Feb-2020
Cedar Waxwing and American Robin, 09-Feb-2020
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's, 04-Feb-2020
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's, 04-Feb-2020
Townsend's Warbler, female, 04-Feb-2020
Townsend's Warbler, female, 04-Feb-2020
Chestnut-backed Chickadee, 03-Feb-2020
Chestnut-backed Chickadee, 03-Feb-2020
Chestnut-backed Chickadee, 03-Feb-2020
Chestnut-backed Chickadee, 03-Feb-2020
Black Phoebe, 03-Feb-2020
Black Phoebe, 03-Feb-2020
Townsend's Warbler and Lesser Goldfinch, 31-Jan-2020
Townsend's Warbler and Lesser Goldfinch, 31-Jan-2020
White-tailed Kites, pair, 31-Jan-2020
White-tailed Kites, pair, 31-Jan-2020
Cooper's Hawk, 31-Jan-2020
Cooper's Hawk, 31-Jan-2020
Cooper's Hawk, 26-Jan-2020
Cooper's Hawk, 26-Jan-2020
Cooper's Hawk, calling, 26-Jan-2020
Cooper's Hawk, calling, 26-Jan-2020
Red-breasted Nuthatch, 25-Jan-2020
Red-breasted Nuthatch, 25-Jan-2020
Lesser Goldfinch, male, 25-Jan-2020
Lesser Goldfinch, male, 25-Jan-2020
Lesser Goldfinch, male, 25-Jan-2020
Lesser Goldfinch, male, 25-Jan-2020
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Myrtle, 25-Jan-2020
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Myrtle, 25-Jan-2020
Hermit Thrush, 25-Jan-2020
Hermit Thrush, 25-Jan-2020
Townsend's Warbler, male, 25-Jan-2020
Townsend's Warbler, male, 25-Jan-2020
Varied Thrush, male, 12-Jan-2020
Varied Thrush, male, 12-Jan-2020
Varied Thrush flees American Robin, 12-Jan-2020
Varied Thrush flees American Robin, 12-Jan-2020
American Robin, 17-Jan-2020
American Robin, 17-Jan-2020
Hermit Thrush, 12-Jan-2020
Hermit Thrush, 12-Jan-2020
Townsend's Warbler, female, 11-Jan-2020
Townsend's Warbler, female, 11-Jan-2020
Townsend's Warbler, male, 08-Jan-2020
Townsend's Warbler, male, 08-Jan-2020
House Finches, pair, 08-Aug-2020
House Finches, pair, 08-Aug-2020
Western Bluebird, male, 08-Aug-2020
Western Bluebird, male, 08-Aug-2020
Western Bluebird, juvenile, 08-Aug-2020
Western Bluebird, juvenile, 08-Aug-2020
Western Bluebird, male bathing, 19-Jun-2020
Western Bluebird, male bathing, 19-Jun-2020
Western Bluebird, female, 22-Jun-2020
Western Bluebird, female, 22-Jun-2020
Western Bluebird, male, 08-Aug-2020
Western Bluebird, male, 08-Aug-2020
Western Bluebird, female, 14-Aug-2020
Western Bluebird, female, 14-Aug-2020
Western Bluebird, female, 14-Aug-2020
Western Bluebird, female, 14-Aug-2020
Western Bluebirds, male bathing, 02-Sep-2020
Western Bluebirds, male bathing, 02-Sep-2020
Western Bluebird, juvenile, 7/6/20
Western Bluebird, juvenile, 7/6/20
Western Bluebird, juvenile, 8/8/20
Western Bluebird, juvenile, 8/8/20
Western Bluebirds, adult male and juvenile, 19/6/20
Western Bluebirds, adult male and juvenile, 19/6/20
Western Bluebirds, adult female and three juveniles, 22/6/20
Western Bluebirds, adult female and three juveniles, 22/6/20
Western Bluebirds, adult female and three juveniles, 22/6/20
Western Bluebirds, adult female and three juveniles, 22/6/20
Western Bluebirds, 22/6/20
Western Bluebirds, 22/6/20
Western Bluebirds, adult male and juvenile, 22-Jun-2020
Western Bluebirds, adult male and juvenile, 22-Jun-2020
Western Bluebirds, 22/6/20
Western Bluebirds, 22/6/20
Western Bluebirds, adult female and three juveniles, 22/6/20
Western Bluebirds, adult female and three juveniles, 22/6/20
Western Bluebirds, male, 14-8-20
Western Bluebirds, male, 14-8-20
Western Bluebirds, 20-Aug-20
Western Bluebirds, 20-Aug-20
Western Bluebirds, juveniles, 07-Jun-20
Western Bluebirds, juveniles, 07-Jun-20
Western Bluebirds, 02-sep-/20
Western Bluebirds, 02-sep-/20
Western Bluebirds, 02-/sep-/20
Western Bluebirds, 02-/sep-/20
Western Bluebirds, juveniles, 02-Sep/20
Western Bluebirds, juveniles, 02-Sep/20
Western Bluebirds, juvenile, 19-Jun-20
Western Bluebirds, juvenile, 19-Jun-20
Western Bluebirds, juvenile, 19-Apr-2020
Western Bluebirds, juvenile, 19-Apr-2020
Hermit Thrush, 09-Apr-2020
Hermit Thrush, 09-Apr-2020
Hermit Thrush, 22-Mar-2020
Hermit Thrush, 22-Mar-2020
Hermit Thrush, 08-Jan-2020
Hermit Thrush, 08-Jan-2020
Golden-crowned Sparrow, 08-Jan-2020
Golden-crowned Sparrow, 08-Jan-2020
Acorn Woodpecker, female, 05-Jan-2020
Acorn Woodpecker, female, 05-Jan-2020
Acorn Woodpecker, female, 05-Jan-2020
Acorn Woodpecker, female, 05-Jan-2020