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La Mesa Model RR Club Ops 1/29/05
:: La Mesa Model RR Club Ops 1/29/05 ::
La Mesa Model RR Club Ops 3-4-06
:: La Mesa Model RR Club Ops 3-4-06 ::
New Mexico Roadtrip 7-05
:: New Mexico Roadtrip 7-05 ::
Copper Basin Railway, Hayden AZ
:: Copper Basin Railway, Hayden AZ ::
Motive Power
:: Motive Power ::
Unit Trains: Power & Consist
:: Unit Trains: Power & Consist ::
Amarillo Road Trip 7-06
:: Amarillo Road Trip 7-06 ::
Southern 50' waffle side boxcars
:: Southern 50' waffle side boxcars ::
West Colton & Cajon Pass, 5-27-07
:: West Colton & Cajon Pass, 5-27-07 ::
BNSF Across the California Desert & Northern Arizona, April 2008
:: BNSF Across the California Desert & Northern Arizona, April 2008 ::
Unit Trains: Coal
:: Unit Trains: Coal ::
Intermodal Well Cars
:: Intermodal Well Cars ::
:: freight_cars ::
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