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Amaloco 50

Amaloco 50 is a surface developer based on a combination of Pyrocatechine and Hydrochinon. Pyrocatechein is chemically related to Hydrochinon and is totally different from Pyrogallol. Therefore, AM50 is not a "Pyro" developer. The pH is high. The developer can only be used an is single-shot; it's only intented to be used at 20°C +- 0.5°C.

The developer doesn't allow a lot of exposure latitude, but is great when exposed correctly: contrasty, fine-grained and sharp. Good tonality, but contrasty.
Tri-X, 100% crop at 1410 DPI
Tri-X, 100% crop at 1410 DPI
Plus-X 100% crop at 2820 DPI
Plus-X 100% crop at 2820 DPI
Plus-X 100% crop at 2820 DPI
Plus-X 100% crop at 2820 DPI
T-MAX 100
T-MAX 100
T-MAX 100 100% crop at 2820 DPI
T-MAX 100 100% crop at 2820 DPI