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Terry Bowker | profile | all galleries >> Europe >> Paris tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

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All images copyright ©Terry Bowker, and may not be reproduced, including copying, transmitting, downloading, saving as a digital file, or linking to, without the written permission of the photographer.
Ghosts of water buffalos past
Ghosts of water buffalos past
No longer wandering
No longer wandering
Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower
In the Tuileries, Paris
In the Tuileries, Paris
La Fontaine Medicis
La Fontaine Medicis
Musée du Louvre
Musée du Louvre
Museum of Fashion
Museum of Fashion
Musée d'Orsay
Musée d'Orsay
Doorway at No. 29 Avenue Rapp, PARIS
Doorway at No. 29 Avenue Rapp, PARIS
 Grand Palais
Grand Palais
Paris antique shop
Paris antique shop
Avenue du President Kennedy
Avenue du President Kennedy
Pont Bir-Hakeim at Allee des Cignes
Pont Bir-Hakeim at Allee des Cignes
Stairway in The Arc de Triomphe
Stairway in The Arc de Triomphe
La Fontaine Medicis
La Fontaine Medicis
Abbesses Metro Entrance
Abbesses Metro Entrance
Musée du Louvre
Musée du Louvre
Musée du Louvre
Musée du Louvre
Musée du Louvre
Musée du Louvre
Saint Denis, Notre Dame
Saint Denis, Notre Dame
Cemetery of Père Lachaise
Cemetery of Père Lachaise
Cemetery of Père Lachaise
Cemetery of Père Lachaise
Cemetery of Père Lachaise
Cemetery of Père Lachaise
Cemetery of Père Lachaise
Cemetery of Père Lachaise
Arc de Triomphe
Arc de Triomphe
Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower
View from Notre Dame de Paris
View from Notre Dame de Paris
Charles Pigeon
Charles Pigeon
One Man Band under The Passerelle Léopold-Sédar-Senghor
One Man Band under The Passerelle Léopold-Sédar-Senghor
Paris Colour
<< Paris Colour >>
Eiffel Tower
<< Eiffel Tower >>
Notre Dame de Paris
<< Notre Dame de Paris >>