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Terry Bowker | all galleries >> CHINA, Hong Kong >> *(Hong Kong) Sai Kung Gallery* > Sai Kung
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Sai Kung

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Sai Kung Floating Fish Market. Local fishermen line the docks and the pier in the afternoon to sell their fish from small boats. Customers negotiate a price and the fish is cleaned on the boat and passed up to the customer in a net at the end of a long pole; money for the fish is collected in the fishnet and retrieved by the fisherman.

Canon EOS 5D
1/250s f/6.3 at 50.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 19-Mar-2010 02:21
great details here! compliments!
Buba Jafarli19-Feb-2010 17:25
These colored bowls make a beautiful mosaic! Wonderful picture! V.
Bill Warren01-Jan-2010 23:47
What a great colorful down shot. V
Milan Vogrin25-Jun-2009 18:04
Nice view.
Markus Grompe21-Jul-2008 15:56
Very nice image. I enjoyed seeing the satellite view as well....
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