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Terry Bowker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Mumbai India > Saat Rasta Dhobi Ghat, Mumbai, India
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Saat Rasta Dhobi Ghat, Mumbai, India

It's a fascinating spectacle, looking down on row upon row of open-air concrete wash pens, each fitted with its own flogging stone, while Mumbai's dhobis (around 200 dhobi families work together here) relentlessly pound the dirt from the city's garments in a timeless tradition. Known as the world's largest outdoor laundry, Dhobi Ghat is where Mumbai's traditional washerfolk -- or dhobis -- provide a wonderful service, collecting dirty laundry, washing it, and returning it neatly pressed, all for a very small fee.

Canon EOS 5D
1/1600s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Buba Jafarli18-Mar-2009 16:01
A good find!
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