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Terry Ballard | profile | all galleries >> Eclectic Avenue >> Space and astronomy tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Space and astronomy

I've been into astronomy since age 13 at least, so I'm always on the alert for pictures that reflect this interest.
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Moon and Venus
Moon and Venus
NASA emblem at the Kennedy Space Center
NASA emblem at the Kennedy Space Center
The business end of a Saturn rocket
The business end of a Saturn rocket
More of Saturn Rocket
More of Saturn Rocket
Astronaut's memorial wall
Astronaut's memorial wall
Vehicle Assembly Building
Vehicle Assembly Building
Cape Canaveral rocket garden
Cape Canaveral rocket garden
Bob Ballard and Apollo 13 astronaut Fred Haise at the Cradle of Aviation Museum
Bob Ballard and Apollo 13 astronaut Fred Haise at the Cradle of Aviation Museum
LEM cockpit simulator
LEM cockpit simulator
Launch pad A
Launch pad A
Space family at the Kennedy Space Center
Space family at the Kennedy Space Center
Lunar rover at the Kennedy Space Center
Lunar rover at the Kennedy Space Center
Planets at the Hayden Planetarium
Planets at the Hayden Planetarium
Astronaut in training
Astronaut in training
Cradle of Aviation Museum in Uniondale
Cradle of Aviation Museum in Uniondale
Kennedy Space center
Kennedy Space center
LEM at Cradle of Aviation Museum
LEM at Cradle of Aviation Museum
Command module at Cradle of Aviation Museum
Command module at Cradle of Aviation Museum
Moon display at the American Museum of Natural History
Moon display at the American Museum of Natural History
Apollo 11
Apollo 11
Jupiter in New York
Jupiter in New York
NASA Artwork
NASA Artwork
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