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Terry Ballard | all galleries >> Eclectic Avenue >> Most popular - 500 hits or more > Concave or Convex?
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Concave or Convex?

This is the dome of the Visitors Center at the Snug Harbor Cultural Center on Staten Island. This building was constructed as a retirement home for seamen in 1833, and it is now a museum.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 14-Jun-2006 16:42
Interesting image and nice lighting.
joanteno28-Feb-2006 02:39
Pedro Libório27-Feb-2006 20:08
quite interesting image!!!
Sam Bashir27-Feb-2006 17:12
Excellent image. I really like that you chose to shoot offset from center. (V)
Jola Dziubinska27-Feb-2006 14:10
Big Eye Watching...
Great shot, Terry. Voted.