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Terry Ballard | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> Best of Travel tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Best of Travel

I've been blessed the past few years to go on a number of trips - many of them related to speaking engagements. We always get out at the beginning of the day and the end of the day when the light is best. I've tried to add no more than two pictures from any one trip. What a long strange trip it's been...
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Bad girls on the streets of Tombstone
Bad girls on the streets of Tombstone
Bicycles for rent
Bicycles for rent
Oxford cathedral
Oxford cathedral
Littlest horseman
Littlest horseman
Mark Twain's grave
Mark Twain's grave
Space Place
Space Place
Javits skyline
Javits skyline
New Hampshire
New Hampshire
White Mountain Waterfall
White Mountain Waterfall
Nashville Elvis
Nashville Elvis
Inside a waterfall
Inside a waterfall
Bourton-on-Water dogs
Bourton-on-Water dogs
Boat rentals in Oxford
Boat rentals in Oxford
Powerscourt waterfall
Powerscourt waterfall
Valentia Island
Valentia Island
Horses at the base of Watership Down
Horses at the base of Watership Down
Stars at the reflecting pool of the WW2 Memorial
Stars at the reflecting pool of the WW2 Memorial
Smithsonian Indian museum at opening night
Smithsonian Indian museum at opening night
Misty morning
Misty morning
New Hampshire 2003
New Hampshire 2003
Folly Bridge
Folly Bridge
Oil rigs in Oakland Harbor
Oil rigs in Oakland Harbor
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