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Best of my pre-digital work

Yes, there was life before megapixels, so I've scanned some of my favorites from the past 38 years.
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Clark Air Force Base
gallery: Clark Air Force Base
Rockport., Massachusetts
Rockport., Massachusetts
County Mayo
County Mayo
5th anniversary cake
5th anniversary cake
Apple a day
Apple a day
Aran Island graves
Aran Island graves
Donna at Central Park
Donna at Central Park
White owl at Central Park zoo
White owl at Central Park zoo
Cliffs of Moher
Cliffs of Moher
Upstate near Utica
Upstate near Utica
Mad River
Mad River
Fall scene
Fall scene
Cong King
Cong King
Mt. Baker
Mt. Baker
gallery: Hawaii
Rockport Mass
Rockport Mass
Venus de Milo
Venus de Milo
England and Scotland 1975-76
gallery: England and Scotland 1975-76
A friendly horse in New Hampshire
A friendly horse in New Hampshire
A street concert in Pre-Katrina New Orleans
A street concert in Pre-Katrina New Orleans
Barry Goldwater 1983
Barry Goldwater 1983
Welcome to Ireland
Welcome to Ireland
City Island
City Island
Lady Liberty 1991
Lady Liberty 1991
Bellmore autumn
Bellmore autumn
Rose garden
Rose garden
At Lake Tahoe
At Lake Tahoe
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