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Kees Terberg | all galleries >> All of this and nothing... >> The enduring allure of Jersey > Corbiere lighthouse
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Corbiere lighthouse


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m2aus15-Oct-2006 21:19
Michael Weinberg04-Jul-2006 17:37
Hello Kees. Looking at this photo, I feel I am being transported to another planet.... perhaps Mars in 2177. The landscape, the light, the skies... something surely from the heavens. The textures.... rich yet surreal. But in the end, I realize, with feet squarely planted on terra firma, this is indeed earth.... just a very special location that you were keen enough to photograph and present, with all the artistry and skill at your disposal. All my best, Michael.
coaster09-Jan-2006 02:53
Great shot.
james200207-Jan-2006 14:46
Nicely framed. What a great area for pictures.