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Temple Treasures | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Family tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Here you will find pictures of the Temple and Dallas family. Everything from the funny to holiday pictures. Hope you will enjoy.
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Temple Family
Temple Family
Erika and Lee
Erika and Lee
One happy family
One happy family
Cyndi and kids
Cyndi and kids
Proud Aunt Cyndi with Cris and Matt
Proud Aunt Cyndi with Cris and Matt
Kitty and Bobby
Kitty and Bobby
Mother and Daughter
Mother and Daughter
Mother and Son
Mother and Son
Proud Aunt with Maddy
Proud Aunt with Maddy
Couple of cousins
Couple of cousins
Proud Grandma with Mason
Proud Grandma with Mason
What's that?
What's that?
Maddy having fun
Maddy having fun
AJ's turn now
AJ's turn now
Over they go
Over they go
What a cutie
What a cutie
Having fun
Having fun
Off he goes
Off he goes
Trio of cuties
Trio of cuties
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