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Tom Yost | profile | all galleries >> Out and about in AZ >> Picacho Peak Hike tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Picacho Peak Hike

Picacho Peak

April 15, 2018
4 miles roundtrip, 1350' elevation gain

Click on a thumbnail to display a larger photo or select "slideshow" button at top right
Picacho Peak
Picacho Peak
Ready to hike
Ready to hike
The saddle
The saddle
Rest stop
Rest stop
Panorama from the saddle
Panorama from the saddle
Down the back of the saddle
Down the back of the saddle
Back up again
Back up again
Cable assist
Cable assist
Interesting trail
Interesting trail
Up, up, up...
Up, up, up...
Cliff hanging trail
Cliff hanging trail
Almost there
Almost there
View from the summit
View from the summit
Tom on top
Tom on top
Blimp going by
Blimp going by