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Children at play around the world

Children playing is a cultural universal. It's remarkable how kids can have fun playing with only the simplest of toys, or none at all. Here's a set of photos of children at play from various cultures around the world.
Farm and Ranch Museum, New Mexico
Farm and Ranch Museum, New Mexico
At University Museum playing and watching dance performance
At University Museum playing and watching dance performance
Riding a mechanical bull at Farm and Ranch Museum
Riding a mechanical bull at Farm and Ranch Museum
Riding a mechanical bull at Farm and Ranch Museum
Riding a mechanical bull at Farm and Ranch Museum
Riding a mechanical bull at Farm and Ranch Museum
Riding a mechanical bull at Farm and Ranch Museum
Mexican Independence Celebration (September 2010)
Mexican Independence Celebration (September 2010)
A festival in New Mexico
A festival in New Mexico
At a festival in New Mexico, USA
At a festival in New Mexico, USA
Dressing up and dancing at festival in New Mexico, USA
Dressing up and dancing at festival in New Mexico, USA
Kids play while the adults dance
Kids play while the adults dance
At the rodeo in New Mexico - watching and learning
At the rodeo in New Mexico - watching and learning
Plaza de Catalunya, Barcelona
Plaza de Catalunya, Barcelona
Plaza de Catalunya, Barcelona
Plaza de Catalunya, Barcelona
Girls playing with a rabbit on a farm visit, New England, USA
Girls playing with a rabbit on a farm visit, New England, USA
U.S.-- Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area
U.S.-- Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area
U.S. -- Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area
U.S. -- Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area
U.S. -- Kids Playhouse at the Cleveland Botanic Garden
U.S. -- Kids Playhouse at the Cleveland Botanic Garden
U.S. -- hoping for a ball at a Pittsburgh Pirates baseball game
U.S. -- hoping for a ball at a Pittsburgh Pirates baseball game
U.S. -- at the zoo
U.S. -- at the zoo
U.S. -- running on Venice Beach, Florida
U.S. -- running on Venice Beach, Florida
U.S. -- beach surfing at Venice Beach, Florida
U.S. -- beach surfing at Venice Beach, Florida
U.S. -- fishing off the pier at Venice Beach, Florida
U.S. -- fishing off the pier at Venice Beach, Florida
U.S. -- playing hide and seek, rural Pennsylvania
U.S. -- playing hide and seek, rural Pennsylvania
U.S. -- fishing in rural Pennsylvania
U.S. -- fishing in rural Pennsylvania
U.S. -- Amish kids in a buggy, rural Pennsylvania
U.S. -- Amish kids in a buggy, rural Pennsylvania
U.S. -- barefoot Amish kids with wagon, rural Ohio
U.S. -- barefoot Amish kids with wagon, rural Ohio
U.S. -- barefoot Amish kids with wagon, rural Ohio
U.S. -- barefoot Amish kids with wagon, rural Ohio
France -- kids feeding the pigeons in Paris
France -- kids feeding the pigeons in Paris
Venice - Piazza San Marco
Venice - Piazza San Marco
Venice - Piazza San Marco
Venice - Piazza San Marco
Philippines -- neighbor kids playing on our porch
Philippines -- neighbor kids playing on our porch
Mexico -- racing in front of the church
Mexico -- racing in front of the church
Mexico -- 'reading'
Mexico -- 'reading'
Mexico -- sliding down the stairway
Mexico -- sliding down the stairway
Mexico -- trying to keep up with the bigger kids
Mexico -- trying to keep up with the bigger kids
Festival in New Mexico
Festival in New Mexico
Mexico -- the fascination of bubbles
Mexico -- the fascination of bubbles
Mexico -- this little fellow entertained himself with the ball
Mexico -- this little fellow entertained himself with the ball
Mexico -- vendors sell toys for the amusement of the kids
Mexico -- vendors sell toys for the amusement of the kids
Mexico -- more bubbles
Mexico -- more bubbles
Mexico -- more bubbles
Mexico -- more bubbles
Morroco -- running in front of the mosque
Morroco -- running in front of the mosque
Morroco -- riding a bike in front of the mosque
Morroco -- riding a bike in front of the mosque
Morroco -- running on the beach
Morroco -- running on the beach
Morocco -- kids at the beach
Morocco -- kids at the beach
Kenya -- riding her new bike
Kenya -- riding her new bike
Kenya -- these kids stopped their game to watch the mzungu walk past (1986-87)
Kenya -- these kids stopped their game to watch the mzungu walk past (1986-87)
Kenya -- kids chalk drawing of big SUV vehicles (government, aid projects) that pass by the village (1986-87)
Kenya -- kids chalk drawing of big SUV vehicles (government, aid projects) that pass by the village (1986-87)
Kenya -- school kids gathered to watch the wazungu at a mobile clinic in western Kenya
Kenya -- school kids gathered to watch the wazungu at a mobile clinic in western Kenya
Mozambique -- playing jump rope
Mozambique -- playing jump rope
Mozambique -- playing jump rope 2
Mozambique -- playing jump rope 2
Mozambique -- playing jump rope BW
Mozambique -- playing jump rope BW
Mozambique -- collecting shells
Mozambique -- collecting shells
Mozambique -- playing with her doll
Mozambique -- playing with her doll
Mozambique -- the forked stick pushes the tire along the road
Mozambique -- the forked stick pushes the tire along the road
Mozambique -- the original board game, called mbao in some parts of Africa
Mozambique -- the original board game, called mbao in some parts of Africa
Isla de Mocambique
Isla de Mocambique
Isla de Mocambique
Isla de Mocambique
Northern Vietnam: Hmong kids at play in Cat Cat village
Northern Vietnam: Hmong kids at play in Cat Cat village
Northern Vietnam -  Hmong kids at play
Northern Vietnam - Hmong kids at play
Northern Vietnam -  fearless Hmong kids at play
Northern Vietnam - fearless Hmong kids at play
Northern Vietnam -  fearless Hmong kids at play
Northern Vietnam - fearless Hmong kids at play
Northern Vietnam -  fearless Hmong kids at play
Northern Vietnam - fearless Hmong kids at play
Northern Vietnam -  fearless Hmong kids at play
Northern Vietnam - fearless Hmong kids at play
Northern Vietnam: two kids play in the mud while their parents plant rice
Northern Vietnam: two kids play in the mud while their parents plant rice
Northern Vietnam: this young boy stopped his play to watch the strangers go by
Northern Vietnam: this young boy stopped his play to watch the strangers go by
Northern Vietnam: Hmong kids at play in Cat Cat village
Northern Vietnam: Hmong kids at play in Cat Cat village