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Kfir Simon | all galleries >> Galleries >> clusters > IC 1295 and NGC 6712
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IC 1295 and NGC 6712

A cropped size from the previous image.

L-RGB image

Lum - 60 min bin1
RGB 30 min each bin 2

Tatal of 2:30 HRS

Imaged with the 16" f3.75 Dream Astrograph.
Apogee Alta U-16M camera.

Imaged from Tivoli farm in Namibia June 2014

Apogee USB/Net
full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Sakib 19-Feb-2015 21:23
This is a really beautiful object pairing, they are almost like jewels embedded in the golden dress of the Milky Way as worn by a 1920's dancing girl! OIII exposures would have made IC 1295 stand out even more.
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