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Painting The West by Tana

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Colonels War Twig
Colonels War Twig
Jack's Command A Buck Buckskin
Jack's Command A Buck Buckskin
Stopping One
Stopping One
The Red Whiz
The Red Whiz
Ted and Tommie Rodeo at St. Paul Rodeo 09
Ted and Tommie Rodeo at St. Paul Rodeo 09
Tuff Lil Drifter's Training
Tuff Lil Drifter's Training
St.Paul Slack
St.Paul Slack
The Pause That Refreshes
The Pause That Refreshes
Colonel's War Twig
Colonel's War Twig
Jobi and Bailey
Jobi and Bailey
Sketch/Watercolor of Holi's Hot Tamale aka Tommie
Sketch/Watercolor of Holi's Hot Tamale aka "Tommie"
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