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Russian Cobra Sub in Seattle

don't worry, they didn't attack or whatever. some crazy guy bought it from russia and towed it all the way here and made a musuem. i just wanted to compare one of theirs to one of ours. but that one was a diesel, and i haven't seen an american diesel, only nuclear, so i shouldn't compare. but that sub was old, originally its class of sub came out in the late 60's and had been in use to the 90s. kinda scary.
everything is old and still there. more or less. i don't think the torpedoes are real. and radio was empty, but everything else seemed to be there.
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i think this was sonar
i think this was sonar
another stateroom
another stateroom
battery compartment below
battery compartment below
another one
another one
to the sail i think
to the sail i think
one of 2 heads(bathrooms) on the boat
one of 2 heads(bathrooms) on the boat
diving station
diving station
where the fire control 'computer' was
where the fire control 'computer' was
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