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Ian Dalgliesh | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Greensand Way / North Downs Way tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

The Greensand Way / North Downs Way

My walk for 2014 will be a mixture of The Greensand Way and The North Downs Way.NNB:Severely curtailed in Jan and Feb,due to almost incessant rain,leading to severe flooding at Yalding.
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Morning  in  the  graveyard
Morning in the graveyard
The  Way  ahead  beckons.
The Way ahead beckons.
A  rather  weak  sunrise , poor  by  any  standards.
A rather weak sunrise , poor by any standards.
A  Victorian  Postbox , that's  seen  better  days.
A Victorian Postbox , that's seen better days.
Roydon  Hall
Roydon Hall
Roydon  Hall ; detail  of  a  chimney.
Roydon Hall ; detail of a chimney.
Greensand  Way  marker, backed  by  Roydon  Hall
Greensand Way marker, backed by Roydon Hall
Fire  in  the  sky
Fire in the sky
Approaching  Moat  Wood.
Approaching Moat Wood.
Dawn reflections
Dawn reflections
The  panorama  to  the  north.
The panorama to the north.
The  last  stile
The last stile
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