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Oscar Reina | all galleries >> neither one nor the other >> Objects > Week 21a: Nosferatu's return
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Week 21a: Nosferatu's return

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Francisco Figueras13-May-2008 16:59
Wow! esos dedos afilados son la bomba!
Guest 19-Sep-2007 04:22
Wow! This is so cool.
Oscar Reina12-Sep-2005 21:46
Thanks so much Wilfred ! In fact this was an spontaneous fun shot, needed something for that week PAW, then saw the stairs, looked at my buddy and the rest is visible :)
I'm really happy if my humble pictures made you go out there so hope you're enjoying it a lot !
wilfred Kazoks 24-Jul-2005 14:09

Regarding "Nosferaru's Return"

Clever idea. I like it.
I think if the figure was not joined to the underside of the staircase it might be improved. But, nevertheless, browsing around your pictures has struck a chord in me. I must get out more often with my cameras.

Regards Wilfred
Oscar Reina10-Jul-2004 19:25
thanks paul! yes it was seeing that stairs shadow that the word 'nosferatu' instantly came to my mind so i sent my friend there with some instructions. friends come in handy for this :-)
paul durrant10-Jul-2004 14:41
like this one very much - was it a setup shot?