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"Timothy fan Gale's"

Updated Friday, June 16th - a few photos added at the end.

Our new Friesian colt arrived at 12:03 AM on June 10, 2006. Beike is a wonderful sensible mother. I've done a lot of imprinting, following Parelli technique, and it's working great!

Enjoy the photos. We'll add more from time to time!

6/11/06 - Tim and Beike got some pasture time today. What fun. Thanks to Lisa, we have some nice new photos of the new pair.

I've posted some ACTION VIDEO of Tim on the Gale's website at

Oh...there's going to be a lot of photo and movie making of this little horse!

Beike, Tim and Gale

previous pagepages 1 2 ALL next page
Tim is born, 12:03 AM
Tim is born, 12:03 AM
Tim at 1:00 AM
Tim at 1:00 AM
my first rubdown, photo by Lisa
my first rubdown, photo by Lisa
What am I going to do with these legs?
What am I going to do with these legs?
Beike and Tim 1 photo by Lisa
Beike and Tim 1 photo by Lisa
Aw Ma, Not behind the ears!
Aw Ma, Not behind the ears!
almost up, photo by Lisa
almost up, photo by Lisa
1st time up on all 4 legs, photo by Lisa
1st time up on all 4 legs, photo by Lisa
See Tim Run!
See Tim Run!
Where's breakfast?
Where's breakfast?
Motherly Love
Motherly Love
Nap time, 6 AM
Nap time, 6 AM
New vet - Dr. Vaughan's grandson
New vet - Dr. Vaughan's grandson
New friends!
New friends!
Getting our figure back.
Getting our figure back.
Jealous sister
Jealous sister
Sleeping Baby Tim
Sleeping Baby Tim
Gale and Tims first trip, photo by Lisa
Gale and Tims first trip, photo by Lisa
Outdoors, photo by Lisa
Outdoors, photo by Lisa
Gale and Tim , photo by Lisa
Gale and Tim , photo by Lisa
Tim Gallops!, photo by Lisa
Tim Gallops!, photo by Lisa
..and more running, photo by Lisa
..and more running, photo by Lisa
Taking a rest, photo by Lisa
Taking a rest, photo by Lisa
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