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Carol E Sandgren | all galleries >> Galleries >> California Backroads > Bad day?
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Bad day?

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/125s f/7.1 at 22.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Neil Marcus30-Jun-2015 17:43

Wow! this is powerful! It could be a scene in a rural mystery movie. There was a movie Bad Day at Black Rock with Spencer Tracy in 1955 . This came to mind
Carole Scurlock17-Apr-2006 18:11
This is my favorite. Great placement of the shatter webs with this POV.
Dramatic, disturbing and beautiful!!!
Ron Horloff11-Apr-2006 18:28
An excellent perspective, Carol, enhanced my the old tin structure.
Dave Wyman11-Apr-2006 00:07
I like this photo alot, Carol. The oddly framed and damaged windshield, the old shed - very disturbing and arresting.
Iris Maybloom (irislm)10-Apr-2006 23:32
Great shot. I'm curious to see how mine came out. If it's as good as yours, I'll be thrilled.
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