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Carol E Sandgren | all galleries >> Galleries >> Light > The Guiding Light
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The Guiding Light

Golden Gate Bridge

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ18
1/1000s f/8.0 at 32.5mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
12325-Mar-2009 03:54
Fabulous. V
Wendy O09-Sep-2008 00:46
Very it!
Craig Persel20-Aug-2008 15:41
Georgia Roessler15-Aug-2008 21:52
Ditto Phil.
El Inglés10-Aug-2008 15:37
Very well seen. The light playing on the right hand side of the bridge architecture makes it. V.
Jim Chiesa07-Aug-2008 15:59
I agree with Phil too. Excellent shot, Carol ! V.
Didier Vanderperre07-Aug-2008 02:23
Well Phil said it all, great shot !
Phil Douglis06-Aug-2008 17:00
As always, you give us an image that is eloquently designed in minimal manner, Carol. The scale incongruity pairing the huge bridge to the small lighthouse is very effective. The wisp of cloud is essential, adding still another layer of scale to the image. The tiny vertical pipes that carry the eye through this cloud across the bottom of the image are important as well. In spite of all of man's structures here, there is a sense of utter quiet, intensified by the lack of color.
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