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Suzy Walker-Toye | profile | all galleries >> Main Gallery List >> Travel >> London >> An evening at Shunt, London Bridge tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

An evening at Shunt, London Bridge
Blue balloons
Blue balloons
Its a hard job...
Its a hard job...
Boom Graf (by Delete)
Boom Graf (by Delete)
Hoodies Graf (by Delete)
Hoodies Graf (by Delete)
beware monsters in the low ceilings
beware monsters in the low ceilings
Robot Gaming
Robot Gaming
Times gone by
Times gone by
Game over
Game over
The red chair
The red chair
Lucia 1
Lucia 1
Lucia 2
Lucia 2
Mr Imgram
Mr Imgram
Gear Talk
Gear Talk
Blue and red graf girl
Blue and red graf girl
Caught short (bead curtain)
Caught short (bead curtain)
footie stars
footie stars
There will be Time
There will be Time
Look no hands!
Look no hands!
Graf 1
Graf 1
Graf face
Graf face
Graf girl
Graf girl
End of the tunnel
End of the tunnel
Hotel d Europe
Hotel d Europe
The Door
The Door
The high chair
The high chair
Red piano guts
Red piano guts
Pint of light
Pint of light
Shunt bunny
Shunt bunny
There will be Time
There will be Time
Strings on Strings
Strings on Strings