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BASIS Mesa School Family Science Night 19-Feb-2016

BASIS Mesa School Family Science Night 19-Feb-2016, hosted by Jon Hutman, Science M.Ed | NASA Solar System Ambassador.

Must say, we made an impressive showing and had great feedback from the community.

Photos courtesy of Grant Klassen and Jon Hutman.
John Talley on right
John Talley on right
Bill Frazer in the blue and white hat.
Bill Frazer in the blue and white hat.
Telescope row - we showed up!
Telescope row - we showed up!
We were treated to a beautiful sunset - and free pizza and drinks,
We were treated to a beautiful sunset - and free pizza and drinks,
Jerry Hyman getting set up
Jerry Hyman getting set up
Jerry with his 7.5inch Mak-Newt
Jerry with his 7.5inch Mak-Newt
The scope on a tandem mount.
The scope on a tandem mount.
Joe Gerencher
Joe Gerencher
Bill Frazer waiting for dark
Bill Frazer waiting for dark
The event was co-hosted by Phoenix Astronomical Society (PAS)
The event was co-hosted by Phoenix Astronomical Society (PAS)
Beautiful sunset. (Telescope in front is Grant Klassen's Evolution)
Beautiful sunset. (Telescope in front is Grant Klassen's Evolution)
Joe Gerencher demonstrating mirrors in various stages of development.
Joe Gerencher demonstrating mirrors in various stages of development.
Grant's shot of Jupiter and Galilean Moons
Grant's shot of Jupiter and Galilean Moons
John Talley with his Hyperstar (camera mounted in front)
John Talley with his Hyperstar (camera mounted in front)
Bill Frazer
Bill Frazer
Bill Dellinges
Bill Dellinges
The Magnificent Seven!
The Magnificent Seven!
Bill Dellinges and his 100mm Miyauchi binoculars
Bill Dellinges and his 100mm Miyauchi binoculars
Joe Gerencher with members from Phoenix Astronomical Society (PAS)
Joe Gerencher with members from Phoenix Astronomical Society (PAS)