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SuperMtn Astro | profile | all galleries >> Astronomy - Astronomical objects, images and astronomy related projects >> Superstition Mountain Astronomical LeagueŽ >> Annular Solar Eclipse of 14-Oct-2023 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Annular Solar Eclipse of 14-Oct-2023

Members of the Superstition Mountain Astronomical LeagueŽ gathered at Basha's Plaza in Gold Canyon, AZ, for the Annular Solar Eclipse of October 14, 2023. The full eclipse path was located farther north and east. So, it was viewed as a partial eclipse from the Phoenix area. Maximum coverage was approximately 80%.

Here is the NASA documentation of the event showing the eclipse path.

From our location, the eclipse began at 8:10am, peaked at 9:31am and concluded at 11:02am.
All times approximate and based on MST (Mountain Standard Time, UTC -7hours).

All photos courtesy of Bill Dellinges, Kathleen Audette and Grant Klassen.

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Grant Klassen
Grant Klassen
Bill Shaheen along with Kathryn Shaheen
Bill Shaheen along with Kathryn Shaheen
Kathleen Audette (l) along with Art Fesler-Butts (behind the telescope)
Kathleen Audette (l) along with Art Fesler-Butts (behind the telescope)
Unidentified visitors at Bill Dellinges' solar telescope.
Unidentified visitors at Bill Dellinges' solar telescope.
Bill Dellinges hosting said visitors at his solar telescope
Bill Dellinges hosting said visitors at his solar telescope
An array of visitors at the parking lot across from Leslie Pool Supplies
An array of visitors at the parking lot across from Leslie Pool Supplies
A very well attended affair
A very well attended affair
Joe Gerencher displaying the eclipse through pinholes.
Joe Gerencher displaying the eclipse through pinholes.
And here's how he did it
And here's how he did it
Montage of photos by Grant Klassed and Kathleen Audette.
Montage of photos by Grant Klassed and Kathleen Audette.
Tree branch eclipse shadows by Grant Klassen
Tree branch eclipse shadows by Grant Klassen