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A day in Dyrehaven

Dyrehaven (officially Jęgersborg Dyrehave and literally in English "The Deer Garden" or "The Deer Park") is a forest park north of Copenhagen, Denmark. The park was established as a hunting domain in 1670 by King Christian V. It covers around 1100 hectares.

Dyrehaven is maintained as a natural forest, with the emphasis on the natural development of the wood over commercial forestry. Old trees are felled only if they are a danger to the public. It has herds of about 2000 deer in total, with 300 Red Deer, 1600 Fallow Deer and 100 Sika Deer.

I was there with other Pentaxians to catch the early morning light ...
Morning mist
Morning mist
Lonely tree
Lonely tree
A green in the greenery
A green in the greenery
Lonely bench
Lonely bench
3 deer
3 deer
Trail crossing
Trail crossing
Deer crossing
Deer crossing
Deer gathering
Deer gathering
Small flock
Small flock
Catching the moment
Catching the moment
A shoort break
A shoort break
Eremitagen again
Eremitagen again