Dyrehaven (officially Jęgersborg Dyrehave and literally in English "The Deer Garden" or "The Deer Park") is a forest park north of Copenhagen, Denmark. The park was established as a hunting domain in 1670 by King Christian V. It covers around 1100 hectares.
Dyrehaven is maintained as a natural forest, with the emphasis on the natural development of the wood over commercial forestry. Old trees are felled only if they are a danger to the public. It has herds of about 2000 deer in total, with 300 Red Deer, 1600 Fallow Deer and 100 Sika Deer.
I was there with other Pentaxians to catch the early morning light ...
Hi Michael
Nice to hear from you again, it's a small world ... I still appreciate the 300 mm very much :)
michael benz
17-May-2007 03:57
hallo ebbe ,
durch zufall ,oder besser gesagt frühe bettflucht bin ich über dpreview auf deiner
seite gelandet und es ist schön ein lebenszeichen von dir ,dänemark und selbstverständlich meines ehemaligen 300ers zu sehen.
alles gute und immer gut licht